Chapter Eleven

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       Roseanna and I talked a bit more after that and I agreed to go meet with the queen and king. We walked into the throne room where I had met them all those years ago. They sat on their thrones talking with one of the people from the town. They finished up and we walked forward. At first they didn't notice. But they quickly did a double take. The Queen let out an excited squeal.

"Alissa! Your back!! I am so happy to see you. You're so tall! I love your hair. You have grown to be so beautiful. What happened? Where were you? Why didn't you contact us? Are you alright? Are you here to stay?" She said in a rush.

The king couldn't stop smiling and beckoned for a hug.

"Sasha my dear, let the girl breath we can ask those questions in a minute."

I went up the stairs and hugged him. And then turned and hugged The queen as well. As much as I loathed to admit it. I missed them as well.

"I hate to break up this reunion but I am supposed to be meeting someone I'm afraid."

"No no don't apologize we will catch up over breakfast! Will you be staying here tonight?"

"If it wouldn't bother anyone too much.."

I hoped they would look burdened by the thought of me staying here. It would make this all so much easier. But instead...

"Splendid! I'll have the servants prepare a room right away! We'll see you later Alissa."

And with that I walked out. I walked through the town to meet Jackson. We agreed to meet at our usual training grounds.

"Care for a spar?" I hear from one of the corners.

"Yeah for old times sake, why not?"

We both entered the circle. Hand to hand combat was always our favorite. Jackson swung first, a quick left hook that would take a person out. I dodged it. He came back quickly with a sweep of his leg. I dodged that too. Before I left I had never been able to dodge Jackson. I realized my stupidity as swept his legs. I was stronger now. Stronger, faster. Smarter and stealthier. There was no way he wouldn't notice. I had made a mistake coming here.

"Holy Crap Alissa! Where the heck did you learn to do that?!"

"I've had plenty of time to train."

It was a poor excuse but Jackson didn't question it. Instead he...

"Hayden come out here. I want you to spar with Alissa."

A man stepped out of the same corner Jackson had. He was tall with tan skin, and bright green eyes. Hair so dark it was almost black. He was in perfect shape. He stood half a foot taller then me at 6'4. He looked like he was the same age as Jackson. A person like me should not be able to take him down.

He stepped into the ring. We started circling. Just like Jackson he took the first swing. As I dodged his Right hook his knee was already up ready to catch me in the stomach. I dodged that too. I hit him in the stomach and then caught him in the jaw with a nasty Left hook. He was on the ground in an instant.

Hayden and Jackson just stared at me. I offered Hayden a hand and lifted him to his feet far easier then it should have been. They just marveled at me for what felt like an hour.

"I'm guessing I have a few things to explain?"

They both just nodded their agreement. We walked into a pub nearby.

"Where should I start?" I asked

"How about you start by telling us how you got so strong." Hayden suggested.

I told them all about project Alkain and the experiments that had been preformed on me. I told them about King Archinlaos plan for an army. I told them everything. Hayden was quicker to figure it out.

"You didn't come back here for fun."

It wasn't a question.

"You came back here on a mission didn't you?"

He stared at me for a second. I nodded my head. Lying was part of my job. But for some reason it was so hard to lie to Hayden. I'd never even met him before.

"Alissa, who are you here to take care of?" Hayden asked. Worry sinking in to his voice.

I paused on this question. I shouldn't tell them. And if it was just Jackson here I wouldn't tell him. But Hayden was different. And it was driving me crazy.

"I—I'm here to kill the king."

If the two men that sat before me were shocked before, it was nothing compared to now. Hayden's jaw literally dropped.

"The king as in... your Grandfather the king?"
Jackson questioned.

"The very same." I replied.

I had killed a lot of people. Everybody knew my name in Galeforde. And everybody knew my name in Zwendale. I was hated across the continent. What difference would it make if my best friend and this new comer of his hated me too. It made no difference. I was here to serve my king and nobody was going to change my mind. I left the bar and walked back to the castle.

I got ready for bed and crawled under the covers. I stayed awake for a while thinking about what I would have to do the following day.

Everybody knew the name Alissa Dayland. My legacy proceeded me. But nobody really knew me.

I had never known how lonely being hated was.

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