Chapter Sixteen

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      Three months had passed since King Charles the II coronation. Wanted posters littered the city. Hayden had been dragged into this because he was the one that had fled the castle with my body. Anybody who was known to have relations with me was under questioning.

It was and odd feeling. The situation sucked but it felt like everything I had ever done in my whole life had led up to this moment. I was exactly where I was supposed to be. And weirdly enough that was being a wanted man.

Bounty hunters and castle guards were after me left and right. They even brought in some of the barbarian trackers from Queshland. Hayden and I's food supply was completely drained. We had to resort to stealing. It was on this particular day me and Hayden were running from the new city patrol, he was holding two loafs of bread and I was holding a couple bananas and a few apples. We split down two opposite alley ways Hayden running towards the bakery and I ran towards the docks.  As soon as I slipped around the corner I jumped down the opened and waiting sewer. The guards ran passed yelling to each other about where I had gone. I waited until they went down another street and closed the sewer entrance. I then crept along the side to the a-joining sewage passage where Hayden was supposed to be.

I caught his dark hair turning the corner. Heading down the passage that would spit us out near his home. I caught up to him and we climbed up the latter. We set our food down on the table and I walked into the sitting area and slumped down on the couch. I had been thinking about it for a few months but I was scared to tell Hayden.

"Hayden— I think I should turn myself in." I said in a whisper.

Hayden was distracted. And he just barely registered that I had spoken at all.

"Sorry, what was that 'Lissa?" He was looking down at what appeared to be a newspaper.

"I think I should turn myself in." I said a little louder.

It took him a second to realize what I said.

"Wha—NO! Alissa you can't turn yourself in! Why would you even say that?!"

"Hay—I'm just causing more problems. And all of them could be fixed if I went to the castle. Plus if I leave then you can settle down with a nice girl and start a family. And you can even open a bakery here in Zwendale or you can move up in rank with the guilde. Hayden I'm holding you back. Your life will be so much better if I just leave. I am a burden. I'm being selfish staying here."

He just gapped at me like he couldn't believe what I just said.

"Alissa Sofie Dayland, you are not a burden. I thought my life was gonna go in a completely different direction then it has. And that is not a bad thing. I am happy right where I am."

He walked over to me. We had never talked about it but over the past few months I had the feeling that he liked me too. I could be wrong but...

And then he did the most unexpected thing. He kissed me. Hayden James Shavok kissed me. I had only imagined it a hundred times. And this was better then any of them. He stepped back.

"Uh—uh sorry, I don't know what that was." He said looking at the floor.

"I—I it was nice." I quickly left.

I had made up my mind. I know that Hayden didn't want me to but... I knew deep down, living like this was wearing on him. So later that night after he had gone to bed i left. I walked right up to the palace gates and turned myself in.

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