Chapter Five

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       TW: Scenes might be disturbing!

         The plan was simple. That night I would sneak out of my window. That's where Jackson would be waiting for me. We would then travel eastward to the coast. We're we would get on a ship and sail to Talsgate. Then they would continue with the plan to get Roseanna out of Zwendale. But the evening had other plans in store.

The first thing to go wrong was when I snuck out of my window, Jackson was nowhere to be found. I continued on to out meeting spot in case of emergencies. He'd probably catch up with me there. I waited for half an hour and decided to go look for him. I checked the near by ally's in case there was a mix up. I was so unfortunate as to run into what could only be a "secret" meeting.

There were men dressed in long cloaks. Standing in a circle. As I tried to back up without catching there attention I backed up into a late comer.

"Now who do we have here?" The figure behind me said.

"Uhh nobody, I took a wrong turn I'm afraid. I'll leave you to it."

The figure chuckled. I got the sense that I was not going to leave, not easily anyway.

"No, no come join our meeting. We'd love to have you."

Since I knew there was no way they were letting me leave, I walked toward the circle. The circle opened to let me in. In the middle lying on the ground was a girl who couldn't be any older than I was. But there was something so wrong about her. And then it hit me. I almost gagged as I noticed her mouth was sealed shut. She didn't have any lips. But you could still see where the stitches waited to be removed.

"We were just finishing up." One of the figures in the back said.

The girls eyes met mine, and if she had a mouth she looked as though she would shout a warning. She was blinking furiously at me. What was she trying to say? I figured it out two seconds too late. Just like on the bridge I was hit from behind.


This time I woke up without a bag over my head. There were no bright lights. There were cushions all along the walls. As well as bags and other weirdly shaped objects. Nobody was in there with me. I wasn't tied up. So I stood up and walked over to the nearest bag. Tears sprung to my eyes as I realized...what I had mistaken for chairs were actually people. Girls ranging in ages for 10-18. None of them looked hurt. They all had there mouths. That was a good sign. I shook the nearest one awake.

"Hey! Do you know were we are?" I asked her as quietly as I could.

She just looked at me. She didn't say anything as she closed her eyes and fell back asleep. I walked over to the door. And posted on the neighboring wall was a sign:


Project Alkain? I tried to wake another girl. She responded the same as the first one. I woke every girl in the room. None of them responded. I finally decided it would be best if I went to sleep and tried to find more information in the morning.

I awoke as light came from the window of the door. The door opened and a line of men came in. None of the other girls woke up. The line of men each took a girl. And I screamed as one grabbed me. They dragged me out of the room. The other girls that were taken didn't seem to mind. What is going on in this place? Whatever it was couldn't be good.

They took us down the hall and into a laboratory of sorts. There where glass observation rooms lining the right side of the room and stools sitting just outside of them. The entire room was white and all of the doors required keys to get in and out. I was placed in one of these such rooms. Where as before the windows looked like windows from the inside it looked like a mirror. I had never seen anything like it. What was this place?

The man that took me in here gave me no warning and jabbed a needle into my arm. He injected a red fluid and then a blue fluid. Followed by a green one. My head was spinning, and I couldn't breath. He exited and a gas filled the room. I got the sense I was being watched as I laid down on the floor and fell asleep.

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