Reuel's gaze flickered from her face to her tied hands and then back to her face. He reached out his hand to touch her cheek but Cyane threw her face away, "I'm sorry Cyane, this isn't personal"

"Why?" A tear slipped from her eye and Reuel reached out to wipe it off but she threw her face away again, "Don't you dare touch me"

Reuel grasped the scalp of her hair and she winced, "I'm sorry Cyane, this was already planned out long before you came to the castle and your role in trying to save the King's life only brought you into it. It would have been better if you had never cone yo the castle"

"Reuel please stop, you are hurting me" Cyane spoke softly

Reuel finally let go of her hair and she felt relief from the pull, "I wish this was a different circumstance, Cyane, I do wish. But I can't keep you alive not when you are trying to save the King. This isn't personal"

"And I was stupid to think that we were friends"

"We were Cyane. Everything that happened between us was real but I'm sorry that it has to end this way"


Leondre had finally reached the castle. He unmounted from his horse and walked in. The whole place was eerily quiet which was strange because the castle was never quiet. The guards would be seen patrolling the castle even at odd hours, he knew this because of his previous visits to the town.

He saw the first dead body and finally knew what had happened. He was late.

He drew in a measured breath and ran deeper into the castle before coming face to face with two of the assassins and in a swift pace killed the both of them. He continued with his original plan which was to get to his Father's quarters.

On reaching there, he found the place to be empty and devoid of life. The scents there had gotten faint, he could barely smell anything.

Amongst the many scents, he began searching for two, one masculine and the other feminine only to find out that the two scents had been separated due to the fact that Cyane had left with Reuel.
He caught a whiff of another scent and his blood boiled, it belonged to his brother.

He heard footsteps approach him from behind and stop seven feet away from him.

"Did you know?" Leondre asked, his fist was clenched so tight that blood began ooozing from it. He was trying to control his shift but in so doing had injured himself.

"No. I just found out tonight" Levi replied. He could see the blood drop from Leondre's hand to the floor.
The sword that he had seen earlier was from that day at the training grounds with Reuel. The day Leondre had dueled with him. Reuel had lied that the swords were meant for the tournament when in fact he had been planning this moment for months.

Leondre glanced back at Levi with anger in his eyes then walked away.

"With the amount of rage that you are carrying right now, you might get yourself killed before you find out about anything"

Leondre halted his movements at Levi's words. His brother was right, he was too angry to think clearly and only a matter of time before he shifted.


Cilian kicked the King hard on his side and watched as he rolled over and began coughing out blood from his mouth.
"You weak fool" Cilian kicked him again. The King barely had his strength anymore, "I have watched you exhibit nothing but weakness since you came on the throne" he proceeded to kick him once again.

The king groaned as he clutched his stomach, gasping for dear life.

Fraden stole a glance from the position he was in, he was told to bow down with his head touching the floor. He spotted the dead physician at a corner then saw Cilian walking towards the King with a dagger on his hand. There were also dead guards on the floor from both sides but Cilian's side had won due to Reuel's men that were present.

The king hadn't sensed it earlier when Reuel had offered to let his men go with him. Reuel had it all planned, for his men to escort the King and his guards and then in the long run turn against them.

Everything was going as planned.

Cilian crouched to the King's level, he raised the dagger to the air and was about to bring it down before Fraden rushed to him and held the sword. Cilian headbutted him and he fell to the ground,"I had plans of letting you live Fraden but you have just shown me that you serve Jehanne and not the one who sits on the throne"

Cilian signalled to his guards to hold Fraden up to which they did, he raised the dagger in the air and brought it down, stabbing Fraden on the chest. Fraden screamed and fell to the ground,"Pity, you could have fit among my council " He pulled the dagger out of his chest and turned back to the King, "It's your turn now Jehanne, goodbye brother" He spat the last word as though it was poison in his mouth

He raised the dagger in the air once again and was about to bring it down when an arrow pierced his hand.
Cilian turned around sharply to see that his men were now being attacked by a new set of guards from the remaining royal houses.

"Cilian, you are despicable" Magnus sneered.

"Shut up Magnus, we all know that I would make a better King, a perfect one"

"No, you are insane. Surrender"

"Never" Cilian smirked as his eyes turned hazel and his wolf surfaced.

Please predict the next chapter 🙏

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