The Key (Part 3)

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I woke and the first thing I think is, why the hell is my face so sticky? Then I remember. Dan had been giving me an ice cream beard. I look at the clock and see its only 7am. I roll over and am greeted by Dan's drooling sleep face. 'Aw' I whisper. I get up and slip on my slipper boots. I go into the bathroom and wash my face, seeing bits of cookie dough all over me. 'Oh Dan...' I sigh, while secretly finding it hilarious. I then stop and remember hearing Phil confess his love to me to his Phillions. I quickly rush out of the bathroom and grab my laptop and sit on the sofa. I go onto AmazingPhil to see the video but it's not there! I know Phil edits and uploads all in one night so his Phillions don't get inpatient...why wouldn't he upload it? I felt so confused. That's when I hear a knock on the door. I go to answer it and see the post man standing there. I didn't know they came so early. 'Special delivery for Avia Avalrado' he reads out. 'That's me!' I laugh and sign for it. 'Have a good day' the postman says. 'Thanks, you too!' I reply. I go to the kitchen and open the package. It's really small. Once opening it, I find a single key. 'Um...' I whisper. What is this key for? I go and wake Dan to see if he knows. I get an old trumpet I found in his wardrobe when I first moved in and blow it in his ear. 'AHHHH!!! HOLY SHIT AVIA!' He yells, while I fall on the floor laughing. He jumps on me and kisses me. 'Never wake me up like that again please' he laughs. 'Ok, I won't' I giggle. He sits up and puts on a t-shirt. 'Um, Dan. I got a package a few minutes ago and it was just a you know anything about this?' I ask. Dan shakes his head. 'That's weird' he says, and I think I see the slightest hint of a smile on his lips. I pass it over as nothing. 'It is weird' I wonder. But I soon forget about it once Dan announces he's going to make a full English. That's my favourite! A while later Phil is up and we are eating our bacon, eggs, beans, sausages and hash browns. 'So Phil...' I begin. 'Yes, Avia?' Phil smiles at me. 'I got a package earlier and when I opened it only a key was inside. Do you know anything?' I ask. 'No...that's kinda weird, Avia...' Phil replies but I think I saw him look at Dan and smile a bit. I easily forgot about this too. Little did I know that this key would soon open something that would change my life.


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