Quest (Part 23)

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Avia's POV

'You know why you're here, Avia.' He spits out. I glance up at him from the floor, as I taste blood flow into my mouth from him punching me. 'You thought you saw the end of me? Think again.' He chuckles, kicking my side, and I squeal at the stab of pain. He laughs again at my pain.

'Just fuck off! You can't just leave me alone? It's been 3 years! I don't love you, I love Dan now!' I yell, then freeze. I did not just mention Dan. Oh no, I'm so stupid! He starts down at me.

'Dan? Who's this Dan?' He bends down, and stares at me with his grey-blue eyes. When I don't reply, he grabs the back of my head and pulls my head close to his. 'I said, who is this Dan?' He hisses.

I won't give up Dan. I need to protect him, I won't let him get hurt.

'Like I'll tell you.' I say, adding a tiny chuckle, to show I'm not scared of him. But in reality, I'm terrified. He's capable of so much.

I see anger take over his dead eyes. He throws my head into the brown wall and I fall into another pit of darkness.

Phil's POV

I close the door behind me and put my hands into my jacket pocket. Where are you, Avia?

I start to walk down the street. Where am I even going? I stop and think. Where would she go? I decide to go to town and look around, so I start to quickly walk there.

2 HOURS LATER (Sorry, I had no idea how to write that part)

I open the door and kick off my shoes, with tears threatening to spill over. Dan and Tori quickly run in and their hopeful faces disappear when they see I'm alone. Dan runs to his bedroom and slams the door and Tori just sinks to the floor, engulfed in tears.

'What if she's gone forever?' She sobs, as I walk over and cuddle her.

'She won't be. We'll find her.' I whisper into her blonde hair. I'm scared too. I don't want to never see Avia again. Even though what happened between us, we're still friends...she's like a little sister to me...

Suddenly, my gates are open and the tears escape my eyes. Tori looks up at me and hugs me, and I sigh. 

I stand up and pull Tori up, planting a soft kiss onto her lips. 'Come on. We still need to rest. Who knows, she could be back in the morning.' I say, smiling weakly at her. She nods and follows me into the bedroom, where I close the door and wonder if we'll even be able to sleep.

Dan's POV

I run into my room and fall onto my bed when I realise Phil came home alone. I start to muffle my sobs into the pillow, but they just become worse when I notice the pillow smells like Avia. I take in her scent before throwing the pillow across the room. 

I grab my phone from the side and start to dial her number. We've all called her so much today but she hasn't answered, and this time is no different. I slam my phone onto the bed and groan. 

I look around the room and notice Avia's bag on the side. I decide to look through it, what if anything to do with where she went is in there? I quickly get up and grab it, tipping the contents onto the bed. Makeup, gum...a half eaten cookie...hairbrush, nail polish...and a purse! I quickly grab the purse and open it. I stop and smile softly when I see a picture of me and her grinning like nothing was wrong. I take my wallet out of my back pocket and see that I have the same photo inside it. I start to look through her purse but find nothing but a few pounds.

A little folded piece of paper that fell from her bag catches my eye. I take it and unfold it quickly. I see the hospital sign in the corner and furrow my brow. I open it completely and scan the letter. 'Therapy', it says at the top. My eyes widen as I read through it and see Avia's signature, with a small heart to dot the eye.

Avia has started therapy? I look over the piece of paper attached to it by a paper clip and see lots of different dates and times. Her appointments. I look up.

Why didn't she tell me? I could've gone with her and helped...

I look back to the document and notice that today's date is there...and 9am...Avia left at 8:30am...

'The hospital...' I whisper to myself. I run out of the room and bang on Phil's bedroom door while pulling my shoes on. Phil walks out with a red-eyed Tori behind him.

'What, Dan?' Phil asks with a confused look.

'The hospital, Phil! She's at the hospital! I looked through her bag and she had an appointment!' I quickly say while looking for my jacket. 

'Woah, wait.' Tori says, stepping out of the doorway with her hands up. 'Why does she have an appointment and why didn't she tell us?' She asks.

I sigh and say, 'She had an appointment with a therapist. I don't know why she didn't tell us.' I say, finding my jacket and putting it on.

'But,' Phil says. 'Wouldn't she be back? It's been like, 7 hours.' He finishes, chewing on his lip. I have to keep in a laugh as I see Tori watching his lips, a look of pure love. Aw, they're so cute.

I shake my head slightly and sigh. 'Well...maybe they can at least tell us when she left?' I say hopefully. I watch Phil as he thinks about it. 'Please...' I say my voice breaking a bit and my eyes glistening with fresh tears.

He sighs and says, 'Ok. We can walk, it's not far.'

I grin and open the door. I stand waiting as they put on their coats and shoes and then we set off, hoping to find Avia.


Feedback appreciated!:3

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