Waking Up (Part 15)

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Avia's POV

'I'm going to get a coffee. Want one?' A female voice says. What? Who is that? Is she talking to me?

'Ugh, no thanks' A male voice groans. What the hell is happening?!

'Ok...You should go home Dan...Get some rest...' Dan's in my parents house? 

'No! No. What if Avia wakes up and I'm not here? She'll be terrified!' He pleads. I hear the woman sigh. I try to open my eyes and will my voice to work but it doesn't happen and sleep drags me back down.


'I'm sorry, sweetie. This is all my fault. If I wasn't such a dick to you, you wouldn't be in this position right now. I wouldn't have caused this hurt to your family either...Please, Avia...Just wake up, baby!' I hear Dan cry. I try to force my eyes open again but it's like they're glued shut. Dan is holding onto my hand, and I can just squeeze his fingers.

'Avia? Oh god, Avia can you hear me, baby?!' He cries again. This time I can get my eyes open. The first thing I see is these beautiful, chocolate brown eyes staring down at me. I see how tired and sad he looks. A tear falls from his face onto my cheek and he wipes it away, cupping my face. I rest my hand onto his. And that's when I remember. 

The rain, the crying, the yelling, the road...the screaming....and the lights coming closer and closer to me until they suddenly disappear and I'm thrown into darkness. 

'Oh, Avia...oh, my baby, you're all right!' Dan yells and hugs me. I hear a gasp and realise Sara was the woman I could hear. 

'Dan! Get away from her! She's in a critical state!' Sara hisses, and pulls him back. Then she notices my eyes flickering from open to shut and gasps again. 'Avia...Avia, you're awake!' She laughs, tears running down her face. She embraces me as I see a depressed looking Tori walk in. She looks up and see's me. All she does is sink to the floor and start sobbing. I'm crying too now.

'Tori...shut the fuck up and get over here!' I croak, my voice not used to talking. She gets up shakily and hugs me, still crying.

'I can't believe you're ok!' She says quietly. I laugh,

'What exactly happened? I know I got hit but...' I trail off. I finally realize I'm in a hospital room, and not my parents house.

'Well...you took a pretty bad hit...' Sara starts. 'You have a few broken ribs and a broken wrist. Nothing too serious. But you were unconscious for 3 days! Probably shock' She says. 'But the important thing is that you're ok!' She laughs and hugs me again.

'Hey where's dad? And...um, Phil?' I don't look at Dan as I say his name.

'Your dad's at home, taking care of some things and Phil's at their flat' She gestures to Dan. 'Oh, I'd better call you're dad!' She says, rushing out, dialing on her phone. I smile at Tori.

'Avia, I'm so sorry, but I have to get home! My mums going crazy with me not at home and she said to tell you she sends her wishes when you wake up. But I really need to go now!' She says, smiling apologetically. 

'I understand, Tori just go!' I laugh. 'And tell your mum thanks!' She comes over and hugs me again, and whispers in my ear. 'I don't need to go, just sort it out with Dan for gods sake' I stare at her as she leaves and she turns at me and winks. Thankfully Dan didn't notice. But then it's just him and me.

'I still can't believe you're ok, Avia...' Dan sighs, grinning at me. I sigh too.

'Dan...I'm so confused...about us...' I say, wincing in pain as I try to sit up more. Dan sighs, putting his head in his hands.

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