The Dream (Part 5)

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It's 9:30am, and I had just woken up. I can hear Dan humming in the kitchen. I get up to go see him in my pyjamas. 'Hi, baby!' I say cheerily. I'm in a good mood and I have no idea why! 'Someone's happy!' Dan smirks and winks at me. He pecks me on the lips and goes back to making his sandwich, while I turn on the kettle and start putting coffee and sugar into a mug. 'Sleep well, honey?' I hear Dan ask, his voice slightly louder, battling with the noise the kettle is making. 'Yes! I had a dream were in it.' I say and then glance at him. He isn't looking at me like he normally does when I talk to him. He isn't replying either. I start to walk over to him to see why just as the kettle stops. 'Dan? What's up?' I say quietly. He quickly notices I'm coming up to him and he quickly grabs something and holds it behind his back. 'Dan...what have you got there?' I say smiling slightly, enjoying this. 'Uhh...nothing, nothing important...don't worry, Avia, just bills or something, yeah probably bills, that's good.' And then he runs out. I start giggling uncontrollably just as Phil walks in, looking behind him. 'Mind telling me why Dan is running around the flat looking panicked?' Phil's asks. 'No idea.' I say, holding my hands up. I continue to make my coffee, while Phil's grabs a Fruit Shoot out of the fridge. I laugh at his childishness, typical Phil. I linger my eyes on Phil a moment too long and he gives me a strange look. It seems he's actually gotten over his crush, or BIG crush, on me seems I've become more attracted. Avia! You need to stop! THIRD TIME YOU'VE THOUGHT LIKE THIS, AVIA, THIRD TIME my mind yells at me. I walk towards mine and Dan's room, with my hands wrapped around my coffee. Dan's sitting in there on his laptop editing a video, seeming less panicked. 'Are you normal again, sweetheart?' I grin at him. 'Ha ha.' He says sarcastically. I laugh and go into the bathroom to shower, after checking twitter and drinking my coffee. As the hot water runs down my face I wonder what Dan was holding behind his back. Obviously something to do with me, or he wouldn't have hid it. Maybe something to do with the key? No idea. Then I suddenly remember something: tomorrow is my birthday! I had completely forgotten about it! Maybe Dan had my birthday present? I laugh at my own forgetfulness. 'Hey Dan?' I call from the shower. 'What?' He grunts back. 'It's my birthday tomorrow!' I sing to him. 'You think I don't know that?' He grins as I scream at the suddenness of his head popping up next to the shower curtain. 'DAN you bitch!' I yell loudly, throwing my wash cloth at him. 'Your one and only bitch, Avia.' He says seductivly, while I fall down on the shower floor in a fit of giggles. Dan frowns when he failed at turning me on and leaves the bathroom, while I carry on laughing. I seriously have no idea how he thought that was hot. I get out of the shower and start towel drying my hair. I walk into the bedroom and as soon as I'm in there, Dan says: 'You never told me your dream.' 'Because you were all crazy!' I laugh, throwing totoro at him. Dan pouts like a sad puppy. 'Pwease tell mwe.' He lisps. 'Aww ok then.' I say, ruffling his hair. 'Well, I was in Starbucks, and a handsome guy walked in.' Dan starts smiling, knowing this dream. 'He came and sat with me, and we started talking. After 2 hours of talking and laughing, he invited me back to his flat. There, I met his best friend, and found out they were both YouTubers...and then I realised I was attracted to the guy from Starbucks. I stayed the night on the sofa after telling him about my life. The next morning I woke up to the handsome guys best friend singing loudly to me. Turns out him and the handsome guy had stalked my Facebook and found out that it was my birthday in the morning...' I was cut off by Dan kissing me. 'Avia...I love when you have this dream.' He smirks. 'Me too' I grin and kiss him again.


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Am I Ruining This? (A danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now