'Hey, baby' (Part 26)

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Dan's POV

My whole world stops. As I see my best friends eyes tear up when he knows that I've seen them. The bruises. The scars. And the fresh cuts.

'Phil...just, why? Why did you never tell me?!' I say, fresh tears streaming down my red face. I can't deal with this. Avia being kidnapped and finding out my best friend hurts himself. I grip the black fabric of my duvet in my hands, so hard that it looks like my bones are going to tear out of my skin. 

As Phil pry's my hands away and turns my face to look into his eyes.

'Dan, we can't focus on me. We need to focus on finding Avia.' He whispers, tears falling down his face.

'No, Phil-' I start to protest but he shushes me. 

'I will only tell you about this after we find Avia. She is our main goal right now. But I promise, Dan, I promise to tell you. After we get Avia.' He says, not looking me in the eye. He's right. We need to find Avia before anything more happens. 

I take one more glance at Phil's battered arms before rolling his sleeves back down, since they slipped up when he comforted me. I look in his eyes.

'I'm always here, Phil. We're best friends. I'd never leave you to suffer in painful silence.' I whisper before wrapping my arms around him. I feel his tears fall from his face, staining my white shirt a darker shade. He pulls away and weakly smiles at me.

'Thank you, Dan.' Phil whispers. 'Now, we need to find Avia! Let's have another look around, then call the police.' He says, jumping up from my bed and heading to the door. 

After getting Tori and pulling shoes and coats back on, we head out. Phil didn't tell Tori about his self harm so I didn't mention it. I can't believe that I'm not talking about it with him. I feel so bad, we need to talk about it as soon as possible, this is serious! But, he's right, we need to find Avia before anything worse happens to her. 

I try to brush the thoughts away and concentrate on finding her when we hear a piercing scream fill the air. I stare at Phil and Tori.

'What was that?' I ask confused, looking around me as we walk down the path.

'I dunno,' Tori shrugs. 'But it sounded close...'.

After another 30 seconds of walking, Phil stops. 

'Dan, Tori!' Phil calls as he runs down a little alley we passed.

'Phil! What?' I call back, looking to Tori with confusion.

'It's Avia!' He calls back with panic in his tone. 

I don't waste anymore time before I'm sprinting down the alley to where Phil is crouched over...over Avia's unmoving body. 

I sink to the ground next to Phil as new tears stream down my face. I hear Tori's steps behind me and hear a choking gasp before she sinks to the ground with us, shaking with tears.

Avia. My Avia. Laying on the ground with a pool of blood around her head. Her clothes dirty and torn and her face pale and tired. My beautiful sweetheart looking dead. But she can't be. Avia can't be dead. We were meant to die together, in our warm cosy bed as old people. Just us in each other's arms, reminiscing about our life. Our marriage, moving to our own house, having children and teaching them to walk and talk, crying as we watch them graduate and then having grandchildren. All of this can't slip out of my grasp. Away from me.

'Dan!' Phil shakes me away from my teary dream. 'The ambulance is here!' He says.

'What...how did they get here so quickly?' I ask, confused. Tori looks at me, worriedly. 

Am I Ruining This? (A danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now