Dan's POV (Part 12)

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Dan's POV

I can't believe I got so angry at Avia over that. Obviously somethings troubling her and she needs my support and comfort, not my anger.

I run back to the flat and quickly open the door. The flat is silent apart from some quiet murmering from somewhere in the flat. I go into my bedroom but it's empty. I go to the living room, expecting Avia and Phil to be talking there, but to my surprise, also empty. I realise the sound is coming from Phil's room, so I walk in and stop dead in my tracks. My world suddenly shatters into a million pieces as I see my girlfriend and my best friend kissing.

'What...' Is the only word I can form at the moment. Avia and Phil suddenly turn around, surprised by my voice. They both look horrified.

'Dan! Dan oh my god I'm so sorry baby!' Avia cries and runs over to me. I can see in her eyes she's scared and regretting everything. She tries to wrap her arms around me, but I push her away, not wanting any affection from her. 

'Why, Avia?' I say quietly, trying not to let the tears spill over. 'Is this why you've been acting weird? You love Phil, and not me? I thought you loved me...' I say, crying now.This is all sinking in. She's never loved me. This whole year we've spent together. It was all a big lie. But of course she tries to deny it.

'Dan. I do love you! I love you more than anything! I don't even know why that just happened...please, Dan...' She says, tears staining her face. I look over her shoulder at Phil. He's crying too. I can't believe he'd do this to me. I don't know what to feel right now.

'Get out.' I say. What? That's not what I wanted to say at all! Avia stares at me, crying harder.

'What? No, Dan you don't really mean this...' She says, trying to make her voice sound jokey.

'Avia. Get out.' I say, sounding agressive. This is all wrong! Why am I saying this?!

'But...' She whispers, before sighing. She looks at Phil and then up at me again, hey eyes pleading. I look away.

She hurries out and I can hear her packing up her things before running out and slamming the door. That's when I let out a loud sob and sink to the ground. What have I done? I just kicked out the love of my life! I could've let her explain at least! I start shaking and letting out loud cries. Phil comes over and shyly pats my arm before I yell at him to fuck off. He starts to cry again and runs out into his bedroom. 

I put my head in my hands and just cry and cry for an hour. I eventually stand up on shaky legs and sit at my desk. I open my laptop and open Twitter. All my mentions are people asking about my new video. It was meant to be uploaded 2 days ago. I ignore them, not in the mood. I check Avia's twitter. She's been replying to some tweets, complimenting her. This makes me think of her sweet personality. I click 'compose a new tweet' and type 'What have I done?' before clicking the Tweet button. I sigh before getting up and leaving my bedroom.

I go to the living room and find Phil sitting there on his laptop, editing a video. I stand there and he jumps when he looks up and sees me watching him. He quickly gets up and rushes to me as I stare at him.

'Dan! Oh god, Dan, I'm so sorry! Please let me explain!' He pleads. I can see how desperate his eyes are. I nod towards the sofa, signalling to him to sit down. He rushes over and sits on the end as I slowly follow. I sink into the sofa and Phil watches me. I look over at him and he starts to tell me everything.

5 minutes later and he finishes with 'Maybe she was feeling upset after your fight and seeked comfort in me..?' I nod at this. Maybe. I was an asshole to her. Something was troubling her and instead of being a supportive, comforting boyfriend, I blew up at her. I sigh. I'm still pissed at Phil for not pulling away straight away, but not as annoyed.

'Phil...how can I get Avia to talk to me? Do you think she wants to talk to me? I want to give her a chance to explain and then we can patch this up?' I ask Phil, needing support. 

He sighs. 'Leave her alone a while, Dan. I think she needs to think about her feelings. Think about whether she likes me or you.' This makes me flinch. I don't know what I'd do if Avia and Phil started dating. I think Phil knows what I'm thinking about because he says,

'I'd never do that though, Dan. Bro's before ho's right?' I laugh at the chavvy saying. He smiles. 'See, I've already got you laughing. Just give Avia some time ok?' He gets up to walk away, but I pull him bag. I look into his eyes before hugging him. He hugs me back. 

'Thanks, Phil. I'm still pissed at you though for not pulling back.' I murmur into his shoulder. He laughs.

'You're welcome, and you have every right to be pissed at me.' He says, before pulling away and going to the table to finish editing his video. 

I turn on the tv to try and take my mind off of Avia, but it's no use. She's stuck in my head. I grab a glass of water and go back to my room to film a video. But it's no use. It was so boring so I deleted it off the camera. I'll do it later. 

I sigh and flop down onto my bed. I start looking through the photos of me and Avia on my phone. A tear falls down my cheek as I wonder if we can ever be that happy again. I clasp my phone to my chest, and fall into a peaceful sleep, with Avia in mind.


Feedback appreciated!:3

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