Home (Part 16)

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Avia's POV

I look at Dan, who is staring at my wrists. 'Dan. Stop.' I say aggressively, hiding them under the covers. He sighs.

'I'm sorry, sweetie.' He says kissing my head. 'I just thought you stopped...Why didn't you tell me?' He sighs, and I can see tears glistening in his gorgeous eyes. This time I sigh.

'I'm sorry I didn't, Dan. It's hard...' I trail off. He doesn't understand. Whenever I'm upset it just happens, a coping mechanism.

'When did you do it again? It wasn't...when I kicked you out was it...?' He whispers.

'Aw, no, not then. It wasn't your fault anyway. it was a few weeks ago, I just felt really sad. I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry...' I say, my eyes watering. I promised him. 

'It's ok. I'll help you. You don't deserve to feel so sad that you need to do this to yourself. I love you.' He says calmly, taking my wrist from under from under the covers and holding it in his hands.

'I love you too.' I breathe, snuggling into him again as Dr. SassyManSasSasParentalGuidance walks in.

'Hello Avia! Ok, so your tests are in and you are good to go home, but you just need to rest a lot. You're lucky you have such a caring boyfriend to help you.' He smiles and I smile back.

'I've heard.' I say, remembering the nurse's words. I entwine my fingers with Dan's.

'Ok, Avia. Before you get ready to leave, can I speak to you? In private.' The doctor says, glancing at Dan.

'Oh, sure. I need a coffee anyway.' He laughs. 'You want anything, Avia?' He asks, and I shake my head, before he smiles and leaves. The doctor goes and shuts the door.

'Avia. When you were unconscious we noticed your wrists.' He says, and I sigh, knowing what he'll say. 'Self harm is serious. It seems you've been doing it a while, from the faded scars and the new ones. We think you should go to therapy-' I cut him off by swinging my legs out of the bed. 

'No thanks. I have my boyfriend, and best friends to help me.' I say, picking up my unpacked wash bag that Dan brought for me. I see the doctor sigh.

'Avia. We know, you think you can get over it yourself. But the patients who have therapy here get over it very well and also get over their depression. We only want to help you.' He says, touching my elbow slightly as I reach for the door handle. I chew my lip, not looking him in the eyes. Could they really help me? Would it be worth it...?

'Ok...' I say, surprised that I actually agreed to it. The doctor grins.

'Good! I'm happy you are willing.' He smiles softly. He gives me a slip that I sign and then hands me a document telling me the times and places.

'Thank you.' I smile, and go to find Dan, clutching my bag.

'Hi.' I say to Dan's back as he sits in the hospital canteen. He turns around and grins when he sees me.

'Hey! You ready to go?' He asks, and I nod. We walk to the hospital exit and he has his arms around my shoulder, half for support, half for comfort. He called a taxi in advance, and it's there waiting for us.

As we sit in the back of the taxi, Dan asks me what the doctor wanted to talk about. 'Oh, it was nothing, just when to go back for a checkup.' I have no intention of Dan knowing. I want to go to therapy on my own. Dan knows about my self harm, but he doesn't know the reasons. I wouldn't tell him, and he didn't push me, which I was grateful for.

We get home and stop dead in out tracks as we see Phil and Tori on the couch. 

'Are we interrupting?' I say, as they turn around with shocked faces and me and Dan burst out laughing.


Feedback appreciated!:3

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