At Least That's Sorted...(Part 4)

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'Phil?' I knock and wait for a reply. 'Come in!' I hear Phil sing. I open the door and walk in, finding Phil lying on the floor with his laptop on his stomach. 'Why are you on the floor, Phil?' I laugh. 'I fell of the bed, and couldn't be bothered to get up again, so I pulled my laptop down and here I am!' He smiles. 'It's quite comfy actually'. I sit down next to him. I've decided I need to confront him about what I heard him say. And find out what he did with the video. 'So, Phil, can I ask you something?' I say, biting my lip. 'Sure, Avia!' He smiles. I get distracted for a second...his smile is so cute. What?! Avia, what are you doing?! You're in love with Dan, don't think about his and yours best friend like that! I shake these thoughts out of my head. 'Phil, I was walking past your room the other day, and...I heard you making your video...' I pause to look at him, and he looks a bit worried. I think he knows what I'm talking about. 'I heard you talking you love me, telling your Phillions...' I stop and blush. Phil looks horrified. 'Avia, I am so so sorry! If I knew you were there I would've stopped! I didn't mean to hurt you if I did! I'm so sorry, I was just going crazy and I had to say it somewhere, I'm so sorry, Avia, I am!' Phil quickly says and he looks close to tears. 'Phil, I'm not mad! I'm just...I don't know...why didn't you tell me? I knew you had a crush on me...but I didn't think it was anything more than that...' I say quietly, so Dan doesn't hear from the living room where he is playing Skyrim. 'You wanted me to TELL you?! That'd be terrible! I can't tell you I love you when you are dating my best friend! Worse of all, it could confuse you.' Phil says. He has a point. 'But why did you tell your Phillions on a VIDEO?!' I pause. 'And...where is that video now? It isn't uploaded...' I whisper. Phil laughs. 'You didn't think I'd UPLOAD it did you?!' He laughs again while I stare at him confused. 'Avia, I only did that to get my feelings out so I felt better. I deleted it after. I'd never upload that! It would cause a war on the Internet!' I giggle at him. 'You could've talked to me though...not tell me you love me, but talk about your feelings...' I say, staring into Phil's eyes. Phil looks away and blushes. 'I'm sorry...I'm sorry for worrying you. And I will come talk to you if I need to get stuff out of my system. I promise.' Phil smiles. I smile back and give him a quick hug. His hugs are amazing. Strong. What, no, stop it Avia. I quickly pull away, blushing and walk out of Phil's room after mumbling bye. At least that's sorted. Now I need to find out about that key...


Feedback appreciated!:3

Am I Ruining This? (A danisnotonfire fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora