Carac dived down and slashed the back of the man's knee damaging some arteries in the process and he watched as the man fell to his knees.

Reuel got to the scene in time with some of his men and seeing the assain was trying to get to his feet rushed and ran the sword through the man's neck and the man fell.

"Lord Reuel" Carac rested on one knee on the floor, his sword lay two feet away from him.

"No time to waste, let's go"
Reuel and his men went straight for the King's chambers and Carac stood up and followed right behind. They passed the guards stationed at the King's quarters who were all ready to fight.

Carac could hear the sound of heartbeats. Four in total and three out of the four were beating faster than normal, out of fear.

He guessed the last one belonged to the King.

"Fraden, it's Reuel" Reuel spoke once he got to the door and Fraden opened it up immediately.

"Lord Reuel"

"We have to evacute this place" He looked around the room then his eyes landed on his the bed where the King lay.

"Uncle" he walked to the bed and lowered his head, "I'm happy to see that you are awake"

The King didn't say a word and closed his eyes, he was too tired to speak. He barely had strength in him.
"Where's my son?"

"I don't know Uncle, but he would be here soon but in the meantime we have to leave this place" Reuel turned to the other men who had been in the room before he arrived with Carac, "What about my father and Lord Magnus?"

"We haven't seen them" They both answered in unison.

"We still need to leave" Reuel suggested again.

The King was put in a sedan chair and four of the guards held it up and they began leaving. Fifty men accompanied the King's palanquin alongside the royal physician and advisor.

Cyane took a step forward to join them but Carac held her back, "Miss we can't"

"I can't leave him" Cyane protested, "The king–"

"Miss, we have to go" He refused to let go of her hand, "We cannot follow them"


"Those men are trained to serve and guard the King and if it comes to the worst, they would give their life for him"

"What are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is that their sole purpose would be to protect the King and only him. Your work with the King is done, Miss. We have to get you to safety, we can't follow them" He still wouldn't let go of her hand, "Please" he had to plead because Cyane was still hesitating.

Cyane gave in, he was right. The guards would focus more on keeping the King alive but not her.

"Where's Leondre?" Cyane was so worried that she had forgotten to address Leondre by his title in public forgetting it would trigger some people and one of them happened to be Fraden.

"Did you just address him by his first name?" Fraden narrowed his eyes at her, "Know your place girl not even his whores call him that"

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