But I was startled when he began crying while still trying to keep on talking.

"I really felt so awful I had to hurt her like that when she had been nothing but sweet and kind to me. I know . . . I don't deserve her but I can't help myself from falling for her all over again. And I promised myself to make it up to her any way I can. So you telling me to stop . . . I just don't get it."

He let out an anguished cry before breaking down in front of me.

"All I wanted was to keep making her smile so how could you stop me from doing that?"

His heartbreak was painful to witness but I had to remain resolute.

"She is torn between the two of us." I truthfully said and tried my best to meet Jaehyun's gaze when I added, "She's most afraid of causing a rift between us. And it concerns me to see how much she worries about it. So let's not make it any more difficult for her, Jae. Please."

Defeaning silence followed when Jaehyun said nothing and stared out on nothing in particular. He was looking head, seeming to be in deep thought. Then a look of disbelief began to appear on his face.

"Rose was actually the first to confess?" He bitterly laughed, sounding amused and disappointed.

I frowned in irritation at his reaction. Jaehyun seemed to know a lot more than he let off. And it did not sit well with me that his guesses were frustratingly accurate. Then he laughed out of the blue, clearly making fun at me.

"It's quite late but you drove all the way here to talk about . . . Chaeyoung. Surely something happened between the two of you when you hurriedly left after dinner earlier only to come rushing back here two hours later." He explained. "Also, I had a talk with Yugyeom the other night and he accidentally spilled about our conflict over her."

I groaned in disbelief and annoyance, "Ugh! I knew I could not fully trust that giant."

Jaehyun teasingly chuckled in response.

Ignoring his teasing, I reached out my hand for a handshake.

"So, shall we say that this situation between us has been dealt with?"

He grabbed my hand with a tight grip.

"We're good friends, Kook. But I'm actually doing this for Chaeyoung."

I shrugged my shoulders and tried not to mind the pain on my right hand. I could have fought back when Jaehyun was trying to crush my hand but I opted not to. He already got his heart broken tonight. And I was certain it was more than enough pain.

"I'm ordering chicken and beer. And I'm staying for the night." I suggested afterwards.

Jaehyun eyed me suspiciously, "Is that your way of consoling me?"

"Will it work?" I hopefully asked.

He rolled his eyes at me before spitting coldly, "Whatever!"

... ... ... ... ...

The next day, I was keeping myself busy at work and trying not to think about Chaeyoung. I was getting frustrated that nothing had changed between the two of us even after she confessed to me last night. Although she mistaken me for Jaehyun, she should have realized by now that she actually talked to me last night instead of Jaehyun. However I did not receive even a single message from her the whole day.

"Argh! I cannot take this anymore. I should call her."

I just picked up my phone when my message notification sounded, making me giddy in anticipation. But my smile instantly turned into a frown when I saw Jaehyun as the sender. From the notifications screen, I read that Jaehyun sent a photo. And thinking that it was one of his silly selfies again, I decided to ignore it.

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