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"isn't this what you want... hm?"


I PARK MY CAR IN FRONT OF THE BIG HOUSE. I already knew there was going to be an argument, due to me being late and him probably blowing up my phone. I let out a sigh and finally get out of my car.

The front door already swung open revealing him. And on the look on his face he was indeed mad. I shuffle to the front door and walk past him mumbling a 'hi'.

I drop my bag on the floor and within a second the door gets slammed shut behind me. I turn around and he was already standing not even an inch away from me.

"Is your phone broken or something?", he asks through gritted teeth. I shook my head trying to avoid eye contact and started to speak.

"I forgot my charger at home and Chris didn't ha-", I start before I feel his hand roughly grabbing my chin. "Always about him, isn't it?", he says frowning at me.

"What do mean?", I asks trying to get out of his grip. "Don't play stupid, bitch. You always stay longer at work and don't tell me you just need to work over", he says letting out a sarcastic laugh. He grabs my wrists and holds them tightly.

"I DID need to work over", I say with my voice suddenly a lot clearer. "Don't raise your voice at me!", he says his smirk immediately disappearing and holding my wrists tighter.

I could already feel the blood rush out of my hands, losing feeling in my fingers.

"Alex, you're hurting me", I say whispering.

He lets go of my wrists and walks away. I rub my wrists and grab my bag. I walk up to his room and drop my stuff there.

As I walk back down I walk to the kitchen where he was. He was looking down at his phone and a smile was plastered on his face.

I decided to just ignore what had happened and walk up to him. I wrap my arms around his torso and surprisingly he puts one of his arms around my shoulder.

He wasn't paying attention towards me, but honestly that was the only time we wouldn't fight lately. It was the only time I wouldn't end up crying in his bathroom with bruises on my body.

I look up at his phone and see it was the 24th of November. Meaning that tomorrow it was going to be Nate's birthday. Also meaning I would spent the day with Terry. And meaning that Alex was going to make a problem about it.

"Babe", I say trying to get his attention. He hums and still had his eyes glued on his phone.

"It's Nate's birthday tomorrow...", I started. Still not looking at me. "...and I'm going to visit him... with Terry."

In that second he turns off his phone and looks at me. "Sorry, what?", he asks, anger already lingering his voice.

"I know what you're thinking, but please don't make a big deal out of this", I say looking up at him. "Not make a big deal?", he asks frowning and moving his arm off of me.

I let out a sigh and his rant started.

"That guy just wants to get into your pants and you are to fucking naïve to see that! He literally uses your druggie of a dead brother to get to you!", he says yelling in my face.

"Don't call him that", I say looking up at him frowning.

"So you're not denying it?!", he yells. "W-what?", I asks genuinely being confused.

"You fucked him, didn't you?!", he says getting closer to me.

"What are you talking about, Alex?", I asks again stepping back.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me", he says laughing, "you're just a slut who opens her legs for every guy she sees." I lost my tongue and words couldn't form anymore.

"Now you can't speak?", he says grabbing me by my braids and pushing me against the wall. I let out a small wince as my back hits the wall, my head instantly starting to hurt.

"Why do you always do this?", he asks scanning my body. I gulped already knowing it was going to be a bad night.

"I give you everything and you just... just sleep around, being a dirty little slut", he whispers the last part. I try to get out of his grip, but nothing works.

"You're worth nothing", he whispers in my ear. I feel his hand slowly go down my chest as he grabs my boob. "Nobody cares about you", he whispers in my other ear while my eyes were already filled with tears.

"Alex, please stop... please", I pleaded as his other hand grabbed my wrists and held them above my head.

"Isn't this what you want... hm?", he says kissing my neck. His other hand slowly went down my pants.

"Alex, please", I say louder trying to fight his hands off me. I try to move my legs getting his hand out of my pants.

"Listen bitch! You better do as I say or I'll make it worse for you", he says yelling at me.

"Alex please, I don't wan-", I start but before I know he slips two fingers in me making me let out a gasp. "Alex stop, please stop."

"Alex stop, please stop", I whimper turning in my bed. I push the warm body in front of me hoping to finally break free from him.

"Ror?", a voice says. "Stop, please! I-I... please Alex", I say a lot louder now.

Two hands wrap around my body making me panic even more.

"Ror. Rory, wake up!", a voice says. I try to fight his hands off of me as I start to kick my legs.

"Stop, please stop", I cry out.

And before I knew a person pulls me tightly into his chest. My eyes shot open and I take in the all familiar scent.

My body stops kicking and my hands rest on his bare chest. As I try to process what just happened my body starts to shake. My breathing picks up and I feel like my heart is going to pound out of my chest.

Sobs escape my mouth, just now realizing it was one of those bad nightmares. Well either flashbacks.

"Rory breath", Vinnie whispers stroking my hair. "I-I can't", I sob only for me to lose my voice. I feel my head getting dizzy and Vinnie's voice disappears. Everything went black and just like that I pass out.

Will this ever stop?

.~^*•__K speaks....


So here is a little flashback...
I didn't want to write the whole this you know, so just imagine what probably happened
I feel it's a subject that is very hard to talk about and I don't really know if I should type it out.

I hope it never happens to anyone, but sadly enough it does. It genuinely makes me feel sick.
Just know it's going to get better and you can always talk to about anything!
I love all of you <333

Oh and Vinnie is going to be boxing now?
I hope he wins, what do you guys think

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