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"I promise"



I would love to live with the guys and of course with Riley. I really enjoy spending time with them. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to jump in.

I'm probably the worst roommate ever.

I've had weeks where I wouldn't come out of my room, not even to eat. I didn't go to school and after a while people wouldn't even ask where I was for weeks.

In the beginning I managed to fool my parents, making them think I would go to school late. Or I asked Nate to lie for me, making them think I was with them.

The first few times our parents really thought I was at school. I mean it wasn't that hard, they were always at work and only cared about that.

After a year of me missing school most of the time, our parents found out. Only because the principle from our school noticed I was 'sick' most of that year.

Then I had to tell them why I was missing school and feeling like total shit most of the time.

But the thing is I can't really describe how I'm feeling, because honestly I don't know what I'm feeling.

One day I could be the happiest I've ever been and the other day I want to lay in my bed and just avoid every single person.

And that was the moment I was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and depression, at age 15. But I had been feeling like that for 2 years before people started to notice, more like only Nate noticed. 

Even though my parents somewhat knew what was going on with me, it didn't mean they understood me or tried to. They forced me to go to school, knowing I wasn't going to be in any of my classes.

I would spent my days in the bathroom trying to contain my panic attacks and dark thoughts.

That was the first time Terry found out about my panic attacks. I walked out of class and he followed me. That day he took me out of school and just let me sleep at his house.

Since that day he was my escape from school and that's why I could call him my only friend.

But back to what we're at right now.

I look up at Vinnie and he was looking at me very confused.

"Where are you going to go?", he asks me. Knowing I don't have an answer for him I just shrug and look away from him.

"I don't know Vinnie, I'm still figuring this all out", I mumble. He didn't say anything back.

"I can't just move in with you guys. I don't have any money", I say as a small frown appears on my face.

"You don't have to pay anything, Ror", he says looking at me. "I am not a charity case Vinnie", I say looking away, "I already don't like staying here and not being able to pay you guys back."

"We don't want you to and I'm just trying to help you", he says with a slightly irritated tone.

"I don't need your help", I say shooting him a glare, "you don't know me, okay?"

"Please stop saying that, Rory", he whispers. I look away knowing I was getting upset, not wanting him to see.

"Rory, listen to me... You've been with us for a week now and we love having you here. Even Reggie likes you, and that's rare for him", he says with a little chuckle and I couldn't help but smile too.

"I know you don't need anyone's help, because you are a very strong person. But I also know that you have nowhere to go. I don't want you to feel like we are leaving you, because honestly the guys would love you to come with us", he says knowing he was looking at me.

"Can you please just think about it? And if you don't want to at least promise me to stay in contact with me", he says. I finally look at him and shoot him a smile.

"I promise", I whisper.

He shoots me a weak smile and soon after someone yells. "Vinnie! Tell Rory we are hungry!", Aaron yells making me and Vinnie laugh.

"Let's go", he says getting off his bed and I do the same.

He walks to his door and before we leave I grab his upper arm. He turns to me and my body speaks for me, making me hug him. Just putting my arms around his torso and putting my face on his chest.

I could tell he tenses up for a little but soon wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Why do deserve this?", he asks with a light chuckle. "Shut up", I giggle making him laugh too.

We soon move out of the hug and he ruffs up my hair. I lightly push him out of his room and we walk downstairs.

I made my way to the kitchen and Vinnie's mom was standing there. "Do you need any help, honey?", she asks giving me a side hug.

"No, I'll be fine and I want to cook for you guys", I say with a small smile. "Okay, we'll be in the living room", she says smiling at me sweetly and soon walks out.

I started to cook the Chicken Alfredo my grandma taught me. It's been a while since I've made it, but it's imprinted in my brain.

After making the sauce and baking the chicken, I was now cooking the pasta. Riley walks in and hops on the counter.

"Haii", she says excited. "Hi", I say smiling at her. "So, are you moving in with us?", she asks. "Uh... I don't know yet", I mumble stirring the pasta.

"I hope you do , but if you don't you really need to come visit us", she says looking at me seriously. "I will, I promise", I say walking up to her and giving her a hug.

I need to stop promising people so much, damn...

.~^*•__K speaks....

Sorry for the long wait, but yeah here it is :)))
I hope you like this, and stuff is about to come soon
It's about to go down.... hihi

Goodnight babes <3333

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