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"why aren't you answering my calls?"


JUST LIKE THAT WE ARRIVE AT THE SKATE PARK. It was quite crowded, probably because it was the end of the Christmas break. A lot of younger kids were skating or on their little scooters.

Vinnie and I come to a stop and I look around. I see a lot of people who use to go to my school, but I doubt they would know who I was. Actually I hoped they just forgot about me.

Vinnie taps my shoulder making me follow him, to who I think, his friends.

"What up man", one says. He's a bit shorter than Vinnie and has brown hair. He's smiling like a kid in a candy shop, I think it's cute.

Then another brunette came up to us and hugged Vinnie. He's as tall as me, and skinny. His hair sticks to his forehead, due to him sweating, even tho it's like 38 degrees right now.

At last there was another boy. Let me tell you his hair was beautiful. He looks a bit like Vinnie, but not quite the same. They had the same hair, not really sure if it were his real curls.

"Guys, this is Rory. If you guys don't mind she'll hang with us today", Vinnie says introducing me. "Hi", I say waving at them.

The shorter boy steps up to me and sticks out his hand. "I'm Aaron", he says smiling. I take his hand and shook it, smiling back.

After that the other two introduced themselves to me too. I found out that the boy who looks like Vinnie's lost brother is Jordan and the other brunette is named Troy.

"I just have to say, that I love your braids", Troy says. "Thank you, don't be fooled. They hurt like a bitch sometimes", I say laughing a little. "I could imagine", he says walking to the others.

"So... how did you meet Vincent", he says sitting on the edge of the ramp. "Vincent?", I snort. "Vin, Vinegar, Vincent. Whatever you want", he says smiling. I nodded looking ahead.

"We met last night, he asked if I wanted to come with you guys. And I mean I can't turn down a little skate sesh", I say shrugging. "Oh you a skater girl?", he asks. "I wouldn't call myself that, but I do like it a lot", I say shooting him a smile. "Hmm", he hummed.

Soon after, we joint the others and skated a while. Jordan was trying to teach me a new trick. He didn't tell me the name, but I think it's a kickflip.

It went well, I almost fell on my face. About ten times, but I almost got it. "You're actually pretty good, you almost got it", Jordan says sticking his hand out. I took it as he pulled me off the ground.

"Thanks for teaching me", I say looking at my hand. A big scratch was starting to bleed and I winced in pain. "Let's go to the boys, I think Aaron has a towel", he says.

We skate over to the others and I sit down next to Vinnie. He looks up from his phone and gave me a smile. "Having fun?", he asks raising his eyebrows. "Don't get your hopes up, Vincent", I say pushing his head back a little. He starts to laugh and shook his head.

"Here", Aaron says handing me a white towel. "Are you sure, I can just hold my hand up", I say not wanting to stain his towel. "It's fine, my mom can work miracles with blood on clothes", he says chuckling. I smile and wipe away the blood on my hand.

We sat there for a while and just talked about whatever. These guys are actually really nice and I like their vibe.

I see someone approach us, thinking it was one of their friends. But then someone says my name. I look up and I met eyes with my somewhat best friend. Terry.

"Why aren't you answering my calls?", he asks not seeing that I was in the middle of telling Aaron something. "My phone died", I say shrugging. "What are you doing here?", he asks. "Can't you see? Skating?", I say in a 'duh' tone.

"Your parents are worried", he says. "Sure they are", I say letting out a sarcastic laugh. "I'm serious, what happened last night?", he asks. The frown on his face only growing. "I'm not talking about this now, Ter", I say looking away from him.

"Come on Rory, ju-", he starts. "Dude she said no, just leave her alone", Troy says frowning a little. "'dUDe', you don't know anything. Stay out of this", Terry says giving Troy a dirty eye. "No we don't, but can you just leave?", Vinnie says standing up from his spot.

Terry was a pretty big guy but not as big as Vinnie. He does boxing and learned how to fight, with and without gloves.

The last thing I want is for them to fight, but looking at how Terry is looking at the inch taller Vinnie I knew something was about to go down.

I quickly stood up and stood in front of Vinnie, facing Terry. They were both way taller than me, so they kept looking at each other.

"Ter, look at me", I say quietly, "I'm fine okay?" "Just promise me to be safe", he says frowning at me. "I will", I say nodding.

"Go home, please", he says hoping to convince me. But he also knows it's not that easy, knowing how my parents are. "I can't and won't, I'm sorry", I say shaking my head.

He lets out a sigh and looks at me. "Just text me if you need anything. And I mean anything", he says making sure I got it. I just nodded and with that he walked away.

I kept looking at him seeing he walked towards his group of friends. My friends. 'friends'. I look at them and they were all looking at me too. Gossiping, as always.

"Who are they?", Vinnie asks still standing behind me. "Old friends", I mumble. I turn around and walk past him. "Just old friends", I say sitting in my spot again.

Old friends...

.~^*•__K speaks....

Guess what ....


I really enjoyed writing this,
I hope you did too :))))
But yeah, have a nice night and let summer be here soon, PLEASEEE


I finally ordered a skateboard and I'm going to try learning how to skate :)
Pray that I won't break anything, hehe

BYEEEE <3333

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