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"so what brings you to my spot?"


I LOOK AT THE TALL BOY TOWERING OVER MY TINY BODY. I couldn't see his face just yet, but his hair was curly. He was wearing black trousers with a bright purple hoodie over it. His white t-shirt stook out of the bottom. I see him eyeballing me like I'm some trophy or either a freak. I look away from him, continuing my gaze over the frozen lake.

He might not even be real, because I don't even know what's real anymore. Maybe my mind wants to give me jet another sign. I feel him coming closer and soon he joins my side. He was radiating this warmth that I didn't feel for the past 3 hours. My hands were freezing, my face almost numb to the cold and my toes not being able to move in my sneakers.

Why is he here? Why does he even bother to sit here in the cold, with me? Maybe he came to do the same thing? Did he just hear me talking to absolutely nobody? Should I even talk to him? Or just leave?

I slowly look next to me. He was just sitting there. In complete silence. I inspect his face, now being able to see it because of the light from the moon. His hair was blond with some tints of brown. It covered his eyes a little, probably making it difficult to see properly. His eyes are focused on something else, but I couldn't make up what his eye color was. Maybe they are blue? Green? His lips were red, like really red. Like he either just made out with somebody, which I don't think so, or they are just as cold as mine.

My eyes travel down to his arm and eventually his hand, seeing big rings around his fingers. Something I always liked about boys was them wearing rings, but now it's something I grew to hate. They became my worst enemy when it came to having an argument with him.

Him. He. That. I don't even know what was wrong with me. Maybe I thought that wasn't real either. Maybe I just hoped it was all one big dream, or more like a nightmare.

I look back down to myself when I notice he was turning his head towards me. "I like that tattoo", he says. His voice was a whole lot lower than I imagined. I look at my hands where indeed I had a tattoo. Just two simple circles connected to each other, placed at the back of my hand near my right thumb. One for me, and one for Nate.

"Thanks, I like the rings", I lie. My voice was faint, my throat still hurting. He nods and looks back over the lake. And just like that silence took over us again. He seems calm, like scary calm. My head was telling me to just get up and leave, not wanting him to ask me questions on why I'm here. Not wanting him to pity me or maybe even talk me out of it. But my body was stuck. Stuck on this cold ground, next to him. My body wanted me to stay. My body was intrigued.

"So what brings you to my spot?", he asks emphasizing the 'my'. I look at him and let out a little scoff. "What?", he asks looking over at me. "Your spot?", I ask raising my eyebrows. He nods and tilted his head slightly. "Never mind", I say looking away from him, putting my hand in my pocket.

I drop all the pills I had back in my pocket. I took out a blunt I rolled just an hour ago. I lit it and took a long hit. I immediately feel my body tingle a bit and I blow out the cloud of smoke.

I have always been the type to share. I mean what is the fun in getting high alone? My hand moves the blunt to the side offering the boy a hit. He took it and did the same as me, taking a very long one. He handed it back and slowly blew out the smoke.

We went back and forth, just smoking in silence. No words were said. No questions were asked. Just two people sharing a blunt.

As he took the small piece between his fingers, he looks over at me. "Do you want the last one?", he asks. "No, take it", I say blowing out the smoke. He took the last hit and put out the blunt that was almost gone.

And there it was again. Silence. Only thing being heard was our breathing and my own heartbeat. It was slow, but it was there.

I hear the boy move next to me and I look over at him. He sticks out his hand and waits for me to take it. I slowly move my hand in his and he shook it slightly. "Vinnie", he says with a straight face. "Rory", I say not giving him my real full name. He nods and let go of my hand.

We both turned back to the lake in front of us. Yet again being overtaken by the silence, but it was comfortable.

Vinnie. He seems real...

.~^*•__K speaks....

Okay, so I really like this little moment :))))

But do you think they will get along?
Or are the much more alike and they will push each other away?

I love all of you<333

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