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"we kissed"


AFTER AN HOUR OF JUST LAYING ON VINNIE'S CHEST I SIT UP. He was in a deep sleep and quiet snores left his body. A small chuckle escapes my mouth as I see a tiny drip of drool slip out of his mouth.

Before he could wake up, I slip out of the covers. The floor was cold, waking me up instantly. I leave the room, making sure not to make too much noise. I get into my shared bathroom with Riley and take a look at myself.

Dark circles show off the awful night I had. My sweater still a bit wet from my tears, since it was only 2 hours ago that I had my lovely breakdown. My skin felt dry, screaming at me to be hydrated.

But on the other side, the smile on my face was very prominent. Small memories of last night kept replaying in my head. Even though most of them were horrible, that one moment made up for it.

The way he looked at me made my stomach turn, in a good way. The way he holds me, makes me feel safe. The way his lips felt on mine. Just... just that.

Trust me when I tell you that Vinnie is a good looking guy, I know, but I never imagined kissing him. Nor even becoming close to him.

The past few weeks have been crazy and hectic. But through everything, he stayed. He listened to me, he let me tell him my story on my own time, he let me be me.

I smile at myself and shake my head. I turn on the facet and splash some water on my face. I dry my face and put on some light cream.

I knock on the other door that leads to Riley's door. I hear a quiet, 'come in', and I open the door. She gives me a tired smile and lifts the covers for me to get in. I get in and lay down next to her.

"What are you all smiley about this early?", she asks facing me. The smile on my face grows even more and I can't help the redness creep up on my cheeks.

"Uhm... we kissed", I say quietly. "Who kissed? Wait, you and Vin?", she asks sitting up slightly.

"No, me and my imaginary dog", I say sarcastically instantly receiving a slap on the arm from her, "yes, me and Vinnie."

She lets out a squeal and gives me a tight hug. "Troy owes me 20 dollars", she says letting go of me. "You bet on us?", I asks chuckling. "Duh, since the day we met you I said you would end up together. Troy didn't believe me, but I'm always right", she says laying down again.

"Now tell meee", she drags on.

"Well, I had... I had a nightmare. And then a panic attack and passed out. When I woke up we kissed, I guess", I say avoiding eye contact.

"First of, you're the worst storyteller", she says chuckling making me smile up at her, "and second..."

I already knew the question that was coming. "Who is this Alex guy?", she asks surprising me.

I immediately look up at her confused, not remembering telling her any of my past. And especially not about Alex.

"I heard you last night...", she says lowly. I let out a sigh and bite my lower lip.

I need to tell her at some point. She has been one of the only girl friends I ever had. And I can tell she has been waiting for me to tell her about my past.

"Alex is my ex", I state, "we met at a party and started talking. I wasn't in the best mindset back then. I drunk a lot and did some other stuff. I was young and naïve, and thought that was what love was. He controlled me most of our relationship.

He was older than me so I thought he knew better, you know? I believed everything he said to me and called me. After a while I didn't got out of my room, nor went anywhere but work. He told me what to wear and what not. He always said I had to lose weight and that I wasn't pretty enough. Just your typical lovely boyfriend", I chuckle feeling the tears threatening to fall down.

Riley noticed and grabbed my hand, letting me know she's there for me.

"Uhm, the last two months of our relationship he... he would get mad over small things a-and hit me sometimes. A-and on the last night he... h-he", I try to speak up but my voice gets caught. "He assaulted me and h-hit me even more. I left and went home. I-I try to tell my parents, but they didn't believe me. That night I l-left and met Vinnie", I say regaining my posture a bit.

Before I could look up at her she hugs me tightly. I let out a big breath and everything came out. Hick-ups came out of me and I try to keep my breathing under control. Riley rubs my back and lets me cry out.

"I'm so sorry, Rory", she whispers as I feel a tear fall on my shoulder.

Me too. I'm sorry too.

.~^*•__K speaks....

I'M BACK !!!!

I decided to write further on this, so here is a little chapter. It's a bit rough but yeah

Thank you for being patient with me <3

BROKEN. | VINNIE HACKER | UNFINISHED!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora