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"why did you drop out?"


THE DAY PASSED FAST AND BEFORE I KNEW IT WAS ALREADY DINNER TIME. Vinnie and I talked and played games for a little. He tried to show me how the game works, but I suck at it. Eventually I just watched him getting mad at a videogame.

We got to know each other a little better. I know I told myself to leave, but honestly I don't want to. I feel bad for just staying here and not doing anything in the house. But on the other hand Vinnie's mom won't let me do anything either.

She is really nice. Maybe if my mom had one small part of what she had, maybe I wouldn't be who I am today. Maybe Nate would still be here...

I know it sounds selfish, but I just know that we deserved a better childhood than we had. Like I told you, our parents only cared about the outside world and what we achieved, not about what we really felt or what we went through.

But I'm not in the mood to talk about my messed up life. So we were currently at dinner and I couldn't stop laughing about the childhood stories Vinnie's parents were telling. I could tell he was embarrassed and Reggie too.

"...And that's how he got that scar on his chin", his mom says smiling. I smile at her and look over at Vinnie. He's looking down with a big smile on his face. "I like seeing you like this", I say chuckling.

"Like what?", he asks looking up at me. "All shy and embarrassed", I say. He shakes his head and looks away.

"Rory, what about you? Do you have family?", Reggie asks. My heart drops a little bit and Vinnie instantly shot him a glare.

"You don't need to say anything if you don't want to", Vinnie whispers to me. "It's fine", I say giving him a weak smile.

"I uhh... I grew up just outside of Seattle, it's about twenty minutes away from here. My brother and I were always close, he was my best friend. And uhhh... my parents were away a lot, but it was fine though", I say.

The table stays silent for a while and I feel Vinnie put his hand on the back of shoulder. It made me look up at him. He bit his lip nervously and soon Reggie broke the silence.

"Where did you go to school?", he asks giving me a sorry look. "Nova", I say giving him a smile. He nods and silence took over again.

Dinner ended awkwardly and I offered to help Vinnie's mom with the dishes. For the first time she says yes and we went to the kitchen. She puts on some music and we started to sing to the music.

"Mrs. Hacker, I wanted to say thank you for letting me stay here", I say putting the last plate in the cabinet. "Please call me Maria, Rory", she says giving me a smile, "you're always welcome to stay here."

"Thank you", I say. "Are you in college?", she asks. "No, I dropped out of school beginning of senior year", I say biting my lip. She nods and gestures me to come with her.

We went to the living room and sat on the couch. I sat down next to her and she grabs my hands. "Why did you drop out?", she asks.

I looked away from her and doubted about telling her. I didn't want to have another panic attack or cry in front of her. But just like Vinnie, she makes me feel safe.

"My brother and I are just a few months apart, making us be in the same grade", I say, "people always thought we were twins, and we sure acted like it. Always getting into trouble and fooling people." A smile starts to form on my face thinking about the things me and Nate did.

"At the beginning of Junior year he became team captain for our basketball team. He was one of the best players and scouts were looking into him", I say explaining it, "our parents put him through a lot of pressure, just like everyone else."

"I found out he started to do drugs to play better, even tho he didn't need it. And... just at the start of senior year, he...", I stutter feeling the tears fill my eyes.

Vinnie's mom squeezes my hands and wiped away the tear that already rolled down. "He had an accidental drug overdose", I whisper. I feel my breath getting caught by a sob and I look down.

Before I know she pulls me in for a hug and strokes my braids. "I'm sorry, honey, I'm so sorry", she whispers. I quietly sob in her arms.

Talking about him makes me think back about everything we did together. All the messes we made and pranks we pulled. He was truly my best friend and partner in crime.

"I-I miss him", I try to say, but my voice gets cut off by itself. "I know, but know he's still with you", she whispers.

We sit like that for a little bit and eventually I stopped crying. She tried to make me smile by telling me yet another story about little Vinnie, and it did help.

After a little bit Vinnie's dad comes into the living room. The music from the kitchen was still playing and he turns up the volume.

He walks up to Vinnie's mom and stuck out his hand. "Maria, can I have this dance?", he asks with a small smirk. Vinnie looks just like him too.

Maria lets out a giggle and took his hand. She stood up and they start to dance in a little area. I couldn't help but smile at them.

Without me noticing Vinnie stood next to me. He did the same as his dad and I gladly took his hand. A big smile took over his face and pulls me to the same area his parents were dancing.

He places my hands on his shoulders and puts his own around my waist. I look up at him and he gives me a sweet smile. I smile back at him and look down.

"You okay?", he asks. "You want an honest answer or?", I ask looking up at him. He gives me a look and I already know what he meant. "No, but I feel a little bit better", I say.

Vinnie pulls me closer to him, resulting in me laying my head on his chest. I move my hands down and wrap them around his waist. He puts his arms around my shoulders and we sway from side to side.

I close my eyes taking in this moment. I hear Vinnie quietly sing to the song that was playing. His voice was soothing in some kind of way.

I'm glad I met him.

.~^*•__K speaks....

Cute little moment there :)))

It snowed here for the first time in a year, so yeah summer is on hold I guess :(
I just need sun!!

But yeah, goodnight luvs <33

BROKEN. | VINNIE HACKER | UNFINISHED!!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon