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"they didn't believe what happened"


THE CLOCK HIT 5 AM AND I STILL HAVEN'T CLOSED MY EYES FOR ONE MINUTE. Sure, I've tried to close my eyes and fall asleep, but nothing was working. I've put my AirPods in and tried to listen to music to fall asleep, but nothing.

I turn around for the millionth time and face her. She was sound asleep and only quiet breaths left her body. Now and then she mumbles something, but other than that she was sleeping peacefully.

I am upset. Hell, maybe even mad.

How could anybody ever hurt her? Or how could any guy ever do that to any girl? He has to be mentally ill, or maybe his dick is small?

Honestly I want to punch the shit out of him. Like literally. And I might don't even know him or what he looks like, but if I ever meet him. Well...

But what bothered me more is the way her parents treat her. Like the time we went by to tell them she was moving they acted as if she killed somebody. And they didn't really seem to care either.

They act as if it's all her fault, but she's just a kid that needs her parents. She needs them to be there for her. She needs them to try to understand her.

I was absolutely speechless after that happened. And then finding out she was only trying to hold in her anger. The palms of her hands were literally bleeding, because she dug her nails into it. I've never seen anyone be so angry or upset to do that to themselves.

And that's all on them.

I'm glad mom and Rory get along. Most of the time I catch them talking with each other or watching a movie together.

Actually pretty curious what they talk about.

"V, it's rude to stare", a small whisper says making me come back to reality.

I look at the girl in front of me that is rubbing her eyes. Soon after she stops and looks at me.

"Morning", I say laying on my back facing the sealing.

A mumbled 'morning' comes out of her and she mirrors my position.

"What's wrong?", she asks out of the blue. "What?", I ask looking at her confused.

"What's wrong? There was like a frown on your face", she says looking back at me.

"Oh nothing, just thinking", I say shrugging it off and turning back.

It stays silent for a while until she breaks it again.

"Okay, well what you thinking about?", she asks with a light chuckle. I smile a bit and I could tell she was looking at me.

"Just about.... The stuff you told me last night", I say slowly turning to her as she still looks at me, "we don't need to talk about it tho."

"Can I tell you something?", she says right after I finish my sentence. I nod and she moves up to lean her back against my headboard.

I do the same and she looks down at her hands that were actually covered with the sleeves of the hoodie she was wearing. My hoodie.

"My parents didn't believe me", she whispers, "they didn't believe what happened."

I look at her with a frown, yet again, on my face.

"She said I was overreacting", she says scoffing a little, "not forgetting I had a fucking black eye."

I wasn't sure on what to say so I just watched her. As she slowly turns her head my way I see a tear roll down, making me upset and angry, again.

"Funny thing is... somewhere I already knew they wouldn't believe me. I mean they never really knew what was going on in my life anyway", she says laughing it off, but I could clearly see it hurts her deeply.

"Sometimes I just think... maybe I should have just-", she starts already knowing what she was going to say. I wrap my arms around her shoulders and pull her into my chest.

She instantly wraps her arms around my waist and lets out a deep breath.

"Please don't finish that", I whisper, "it's not worth it."

She just stays silent and I feel tears roll down my chest, because I was shirtless.

"I can't tell you why they are like that, but just know you have people who care about you", I whisper, "... I care about you."

She slowly moves away from me and meets my eyes. 

"I mean it Ror", I say looking at her sternly, "please don't do anything."

She looks down not answering me nor letting me see her face. I place my hand on her cheek and move her head up. She was avoiding eye contact with me.

"Rory...", I whisper and she finally looks up at me.

Her eyes are still filled up with tears and her bottom lip is tucked between her teeth.

"Talk to me whenever you need to, okay?", I ask scanning her face. She nods her head slowly and looks away from me.

"Vinnie", she whispers. "Hmm", I hum looking at her.

"I'm really thankful I met you that night", she says, "I don't think I would be here if..."

"I'm glad I met you too, Ror", I say as she rambles off, "talk to me, okay?"

She nods ones again and hugs me. I lay down and she lays her head on my chest.

The sun was slowly rising and my room lights up.

Quiet snores are coming from the girl laying on my chest. I let out a chuckle and grab my phone.

6 hours until our flight to LA.

.~^*•__K speaks....

Hi guys,
I'm sorry it took so long to upload a new chapter :((
I've been distracted with school and other stuff, but I'll try to post more regularly...

But yeah next chapter they won't be in Seattle anymore :))
Goodnight, love you all <333

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