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"you like her?"


RORY AND I WERE SITTING ON THE FLOOR, HER BEING IN A DEEP SLEEP. Her head was laying on my chest as her arms were still wrapped around me tightly. Her face was tear stained and a small frown was formed on her face, but besides that she looked peaceful. For the first time in an hour.

I stroke down her cheek, not being able to put my hands through her braids. Her cheek was quite red, along with her nose. Besides the blue and purple tints around her eye, her face was pale. Pale like the life was sucked out of her.

I went on thinking. Did she actually thought I would hurt her? What happened to her? Who did this to her?

And even tho I only know her for not even a whole day I cared about her more than I ever did about anyone. Of course I care a lot about my mom, but that is like a normal thing, right?

I mean it's something that has always come easy to me. Caring. My mom has always been a caring person, along with my dad. Reggie was a bit more coldhearted, but still somewhat caring. I guess that is just how we were raised.

Me caring about this girl is not the type like, 'I pity her, so I'll help her and then we will part ways'. It's like a type, 'I want to know if she's okay, and what her story is. I want to be there for her and let her know she's worth living this life. I want to show her the beautiful side of life'. Yes, like that.

Before I could ramble on about her my bedroom door opens and Reggie walks in rubbing his eyes. "Dude we've been waiting for an hour now", he says frowning a little. I shush him quickly and look down at Rory, hoping she doesn't wake up. And thank god she didn't.

Reggie rolls his eyes and walks out, he's most definitely not a morning person. I slowly move my arm around her back and the other one under her legs. I lift her up while she lets out a small whimper.

I put her down on my bed and lay her head on the pillow. She stirs for a little but falls back asleep. I grab a blanket from my chair and place it over her. She snuggle up to the blanket and I quietly leave the room.

Making my way down I can hear my parents and Reggie talk. Just about what was on the news or something. Honestly I wasn't listening, still with my mind at Rory.

"Vinnie?", mom says snapping me out of my zombie like state. "Hmm?", I ask looking at her while taking a seat next to my dad. "Where's Rory, and why did it take so long?", she asks curiously. "She uh... went back to sleep", I say picking at the food on my plate in front of me.

"We'll safe her some food", mom mumbles under her breath. "So, son, who is this Rory girl?", dad asks nudging my shoulder jokingly. "I met her last night, she needed a place to stay so I brought her here", I say hoping he wouldn't be mad about it.

He just nods and shares a look with mom. They both started smiling and I just look confused at them. Reggie was still half a sleep so he was no help, I'm pretty sure he wasn't even listening.

Breakfast- Well more like lunch, went by fast. I didn't even take a bite. Mom asked me to help her with the dishes and I said yes. Honestly I wanted to check up on Rory, but she'll probably still be asleep.

I grab the towel and stood next to my mom, while she was washing the dishes. "Honey, what happened to her?", mom asks breaking the silence. "I don't know, mom", I say grabbing a plate, drying it. "But like her eye an-", she starts. "I know mom, but I don't know... I have a theory, but I hope it's not true", I say quietly.

"She seems nice", she says giving me a smile. I nodded as a smile creeps on my face. "You like her?", she asks nudging me. "I just met her, mom", I say annoyed. "So? I fell in love with your dad the first week we met", she says shrugging. "Then I still have 6 days", I say laughing lightly. She shakes her head smiling and continues washing the dishes.

After about twenty minutes we were done and mom shoed me off. I walk up to my room and walk in, thinking to see a sleeping Rory. But no. She was wide awake and was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Your phone has been ringing for the past ten minutes", she says looking up at me. "Did it wake you up?", I ask grabbing my phone form the side table. "Yeah, but it's fine", she says looking away from me.

I look down at the notifications and see that Aaron and Troy had called me. The group chat was also blowing up.

I was reading over the messages as Rory stats talking. "Can I take a shower? If it's too much I'll leav-", she starts rambling. "No no, you can", I say putting my phone down, "here."

She grabs some clean clothes out of her bag and I guided her towards my bathroom. I show her where the towels are and how the shower works. She mumbled out a quiet thank you and shot me a weak smile closing the door, not locking it.

I walk back to my bed and took out my phone. Reading all the messages, it looks like they are going skating. Just when I was about to respond the doorbell rings, making me look up.

Soon after I hear a few people walk up the stairs, entering my room. "Dude, we thought you were dead", Troy says laughing. All the boys were here. Troy, Jordan, Aaron, Shane and Ben.

"What are you guys doing here?", I ask standing up, hoping they wouldn't hear my shower running. But I guess it's not my luck today.

"Who's in the shower?", Aaron asks with a grin. "O-M-G", Shane says hitting Ben's shoulder. "Did The Vinnie Hacker get laid?", he says speaking a lot louder. "No fucking way", Troy says.

"Guys... Guys!", I say as they stopped their laughter, "can you please go downstairs?" All their smiles fade, seeing how serious I was. "Sure", they mutter walking out.

Aaron stops before closing the door. "Are you okay?", he asks. "Yeah, it's just complicated", I say running my hands through my hair. "I'll get the guys out and we'll meet up tonight, okay?", he suggests. "Thanks bro", I say giving him a nod. He nods back and closes the door behind him.

Right in that moment the bedroom door opens, revealing Rory. She was dressed and well, but her face screamed out. Just like a few hours ago. Only this time her tears were silent and she looked like someone killed her dog.

Who would ever hurt her this bad?

.~^*•__K speaks....

I like this moment with his mom and stuff :))

And omg, the other day I say the picture Vinnie posted for his dad's birthday
And honestly he looks a lot like his dad, but also like his mom
I thought it was cute, but yeah :))

Goodnight loves <333

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