504 15 6

song used:
walked through hell - anson seabra


"can you play me something?"


I WAVE OFF THE GUYS SEEING THEM DISSAPEAR IN THE DISTANCE. I look over at Rory and there was a big smile plastered on her face. I don't think I've seen her smile like that just yet. It suits her well.

We walk onto the front porch and the silence took over us again. It happens a lot, but I find that the most peaceful moments with her. I like talking to her, but the silent moments too.

I open the door and step aside letting her walk in. She walks in and immediately gets greeted by our two dogs, Bella and Rex. I hear her say little mumbles to them while they both cuddle up against her. I can't help but smile.

After putting my skateboard down against the wall next to the door, I walk to the kitchen hearing my mom just end her phone call. "Hey, you kids back?", she asks smiling at me. I nod and grab a water bottle from the fridge.

Rory soon walks into the kitchen standing with her hands in her hoodie pocket. She shoots mom a little smile and stood next to me.

"I'm going to go to bed, I have work tomorrow", mom says cleaning up the kitchen, "don't make it too late." Both me and Rory just nod and mom starts to walk towards Rory.

"Are you joining dinner tomorrow night?", she asks. I see the hesitation in Rory's face. I really hoped she would stay. Just knowing she is safe from anyone, and herself, comforts me.

Rory nods and a smile took over moms face. "Good! Goodnight kids", she says walking off.

I shook my head smiling looking at how excited mom gets over this. "What?", Rory asks letting out a laugh. "Nothing", I say walking to the fridge, "are you hungry?" "Nah, thank you", she says hopping onto the counter.

I just grab some milk and a bowl from the cabin. I take the cereal box that was on top of the fridge and put some in the bowl. Finishing it off with pouring in the milk.

"So you enjoyed today?", I ask standing across from her. "Yeah, thank you", she says looking down at her lap. I could tell she was smiling, but she was for sure trying to hide it.

"I'm glad", I say chuckling and talking a spoon full of cereal. "Your friends are pretty chill", she says shrugging, "and Riley is like... so sweet." I nodded, "we've been friends forever. Always in the same classes and teachers hate us when we are together." She smiles, but it soon fades.

"What about you? Any friends?", I ask. She shakes her head and looks up at me. "Not really, I'm like a lone wolf", she says. "What about that guy in the park?", I ask still curious about who that was.

"He used to be friends with my brother. He treats me like his little sister, even tho we are like a year apart", she says shrugging, "I don't really talk to him, or anyone from my school for that matter."

She has a brother. She hasn't mentioned him.

"So you have a brother?", I ask curiously. Sadness took over her face and she looks away from me. I feel like I asked the wrong question... fuck.

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