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"if you want to I'll come with you"


A WEEK PASSED, MAKING IT ONLY 4 DAYS UNTIL WE MOVE TO LA. We were all very excited and were already making plans on what to do first when we are settled in.

But there was something bothering me. Rory has been very quiet for the past few days.

I mean she was not that talkative when we met, but I thought we were past that stage. She is practically living with us and is surprisingly close to Reggie.

Also it happened very suddenly. Like one night we were chilling with everyone at Troy's house and on the way back she got a text. Her whole expression and body language changed. Just as the night I met her. Scared and very uncomfortable.

I wasn't going to be nosy and look at her phone while she was texting the person back, but I could tell something was off.

So that brings us here, sitting in her car driving to get Chinees food my mom ordered.

She puts on her playlist and it starts to play Tame Impala, The Less I Know The Better. We both jam to the music and she looks over at me a few times.

A small smile forms on her face as I was watching her singing the lyrics quietly. She catches me staring and I quickly look away, starting to blush. 

She turns down the volume a bit and looks at me. "V?", she asks. I just hum in response and look her way. "Do you think I should tell my parents I'm leaving?", she asks faintly.

"You haven't told them?", I ask quite surprised. She shakes her head and bites her bottom lip. "Haven't talked to them ever since I met you, nor have they called or texted me", she says hurt clearly lingering in her voice.

We pull up at the restaurant and she puts the car in park. I turn her way completely and she is looking straight ahead. Her eyes were glistering indicating that she was actually hurt and upset about everything that happened. With me still having a lot of questions unanswered. 

I put my hand on her hand that was holding the steering wheel, breaking her from staring at the busy street. "If you want to I'll come with you", I say almost whispering. Her eyes shift from me to the street and back. I could tell she was contemplating over what to do.

After a long silence she quietly nods and looks up at me. I give her a weak smile and nod too. "Then we will", I say pulling her in for a hug. She puts her hands over my shoulders and places her head in the crook of my neck.

I felt my shirt getting wet knowing she was crying, but it was completely silent. She wasn't sobbing, not making any sounds.

I pull away and put my hands on the sides of her face. She looks down at her own hands and I inspect her face.

The black eye from almost two weeks ago is now completely gone, making her eyes pop out more. Even tho they were just brown they were even more beautiful to me.

Her cheeks are tearstained and a bit red, along with her nose.

I hear her sniffle and she looks up at me. A weak smile forms on her face and she bites her bottom lip once again.

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