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(Y/n) groaned, usually not used to pulling his with gravity on their own.

When throwing them high up, they help by jumping on heir hands like a spring board. This instead had to do with what they had developed muscle for.

They didn't chop trees and woods and doors and shatter enemies heads for nothing.

Their sight was cut off as their hat was slowly falling off, getting in the way and disturbing them.

Six stood by the door, watching (y/n) struggle to pick up the boy and began to walk to through the exit.

(Y/n) let out a loud growl like the attempts they did before when hands and kids were sent out to harm Mono, pulling him up in one pull.

He was flung from the ledge and shoulder tossed near the door, right in front of Six who's eyes went wide.

He didn't have a second to think when (y/n) had shoved Six in and pulled Mono by the collar of his coat.

Hoping for the worst, he closed his eyes in fear of what was on the other side.

(Y/n) screamed as their hat was still loppy sided and the other 2 smaller children fell on them.

Mono sat up, looking at the TV they went through.

He stared back at (y/n) who immediately walked over to Sox who was barely standing up on her own from the fall.

Mono, confused at the fever like dream, watched (y/n) ask the girl, "Why'd you let him go?" (Y/n) asked.

Six stayed quiet before saying, "Can't you see his face? He was the man we had to fight! He almost killed us! That looks like him!" Six argued, her stomach growled.

(Y/n), wiser than the others stared at her straight in the eyes.

"Or was your stomach getting in the way? Did you think letting him go would be a safer death than eating him?"

Before the girl could get a response, the slap of (y/n) backhanding the tiny girl made her fall.

Mono got up to stop the quarrel before (y/n) defended themselves with, "What made you think that would save him? They were chasing him from the start, meaning he was meant to be there! The process in that dimension would restart over again. To end that fight, we had to save him! Not make him fall to is death and become whatever that ducking man was! I already knew who the fuck he was and I felt guilty for him taking you instead of me." (Y/n) scolded the girl who placed her hand in her stinging cheek.

(Y/n) hugged Six who hugged them back.

In between their hug, Six's stomach grumbled.

Pulling away from the hug, (y/n) held the sniffling girl's hand.

"We gotta find somewhere to sleep and eat for now." (Y/n) glanced over at a shadowy and glitchy version of Six across the room.

Mono approached it, having it disappear and hold up a paper that read THE MAW in bold letters and a picture of a turtle shell looking ship with a massive chimney above it. The ship was floating somewhere on water as what the pictures had depicted.

Mono looked back at the 2 once damsels in distress.

"We're going here?" He asked.

Six nodded as (y/n) nodded.

Letting go of Six's hand walked ahead.

"Hey Mono." (Y/n) asked.
He hummed back.
"Is it true you have a crush on me?" They whispered so Six wouldn't hear but already got a head start by walking.

"Wha-?!" He gasped.
"I wanted to-?" (Y/n) seemed confused.

"No I don't! I don't like you! You're my friend!" Mono regretted throwing his mask aside as his face was burning up in degrees all over.

"I was gonna say that I like you too as a friend." (Y/n) replied.

Mono pulled his collar up, still holding hands.

"Yeah, friends." Six looked back at the two holding hands.

"We held hands before and we argued like a married couple, Six!" (Y/n) yelled at the girl across the room.

"That doesn't mean I like you! Mono literally killed a doctor because he thought he killed you and killed the Hunter after finding out you were brainwashed by him!" Six attempted to justify herself.

"He would do the same for you too!" (Y/n) argued back.

"Friends don't give each other rings." Six raised an eyebrow.

"They aren't rings. They're charms." (Y/n) followed the girl.

"You said the tall man had the same thing as Mono!"
"It was probably a fashion statement in the future!"
"I bet you like him too!"

(Y/n) kept quiet after Six's argument.

"Well?" Six cooed, having a mischievous smirk.

The taller child rolled their eyes.

"I don't want to lie to a friend either. I don't hate them, that's all." (Y/n) vaguely described.

Mono glanced away as (y/n) kept on walking, hearing the jingling of the charms Mono gave each other in each step.

"Even if I did have a crush on Mono, whats the point of telling him if we don't see a reason why but to clear something off our chests." (Y/n) added in.

"I mean, you get to boost each other confidence and you're both pretty shy." Six said and immediately heard two voices speaking the same time.

"I think I like you."
"You're cute."

(Y/n) ate back those words as Mono yelled at (y/n) for calling a boy cute when he was a boy and the strongest. "So what?! You're still a kid!" (Y/n) yelled.

"You just don't call a growing man that!" Mono pouted.

"You're growing?" (Y/n) snickered as they all held hands, climbing out the window with the ocean where they came from had come to view.

Mono and Six slept on a small cereal box container indoors, locked away from any adopts to come through.

(Y/n) poked at the fire they made as they sat by the water.

"I'm gonna kill anyone who hurts these kids." Their voice slowly deepening as their hat covered their eyes.

Floating above the water was a small fedora sitting a kid's head.

(Y/n) ran over to the water, snatching the hat from the deceased kid, holding it to eye level.

It almost looked like the tall man's hat.

(Y/n) turned back, they grinned at the sight of the kids finally having a moment of peace to sleep well.


Thank you for taking the time and interest of reading this short book about the video game Little Nightmares 2. Please check out my other books if you'd like.

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