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(Y/n) ran after Mono, helping him move a box of arms out the way of a small gap to the other side.

The sound of plastic bending and cracking made the two children glance at each other before pulling the box harder.

(Y/n) and Mono peaked behind and gasped to see a prosthetic hand detaching itself from a torso laid on an operating table, crawling at them similar to a spider or any venomous insect would run at them.

"Slide!" (Y/n) instructed to Mono who did, running from the other direction.

(Y/n) could have slid behind them but the spider hand wild have grabbed them and Mono would be distracted so instead they jumped over the box of prosthetics, climbing up the gurney of plastic limbs and crossed where Mono was at.

Mono turned off his flashlight, jumping on the next gurney at the same time as (y/n), both of their pull tab of the soda cans clanking against the metal cages.

Mono jumped down first, yelped as the spider like hand almost pounced at him before he swerved the object away from him, running and jumping off the m gurney and onto a metal chained up shelf.

The hand wiggled it's fingers to climb up the shelf to chase Mono but was stopped by a foot stepping on the plastic hand, right on the knuckles. It scratching the floor to be freed as the heel of the foot from such height and weight crushed the middle of it.

"Stay the fuck down!" (Y/n) growled, using the hand as a spring board and climbed up the shelf and into the pipe Mono went through.

Mono groaned, struggling to open the vent as it was larger than his two hands could lift.

(Y/n) tackled Mono, covering his head as (y/n) body slammed their weight on the vent in order for it to open, yelling as they fell on a body bag that was placed on a gurney.

"We're sorry." (Y/n) muttered to the body before stepping off and into the room Mono led to.

They ran through the room, hearing the vents up above clashing and shaking and swaying as if there was something attempting to break open.

Dust particles fell right before Mono who yelled and ran the other way.

Mono grabbed (y/n)'s hand, pulling them the other direction as well, watching the hand fall fro the vent and chase them.

The two ran around the room, waiting for the object to pounce in order to make a run for it to the other room.

Once the hand pounced, it would fall and take a few seconds to get back up but those seconds were couldn't on their survival.

Sprawling up the metal cages of other plastic limbs, the two jumped off another gurney of doll body parts and spotted a hammer at the center of the room with flickering lights.

(Y/n) grabbed the hammer. Standing in front of Mono who was against the wall behind them, aiming the flashlight to where the noises of the plastic fingertips were coming from.

(Y/n) rose the hammer above their head, focusing at the hand that attempted to latch on Mono since he was a smaller target.

Not having any of it, (y/n) gathered all the arm strength they had and crushed the hand in one swing.

Expecting more than one hit, Mono was stricken with terror as the child protecting them was slightly frightening when enraged, hearing them growl at the hand earlier before.

Mono grabbed the other elevator button and the two walked out the room by (y/n) crashing open the glass from the door with the hammer, allowing Mono through.

First thing to see in the room was Six, holding a prosthetic arm, pulling its fingers off.

Mono stared at the girl, unnerved by her subtle hidden strength.

The three now reunited had scurried over to the other side of the room, opening a new door to a tall jail cell.

"Damn it." (Y/n) sighed. "I wonder where the fuck this leads to." (Y/n) frowned, their toes becoming numb as soon as they came in contact with the cold tiles in the hall.

Once Six flung Mono Im inside the barred room, (y/n) grabbed a hold of the bars, stepping heir foot up and pushed themselves to the small opening with ease.

Six scowled at the kid in the Camo grey rain bucket hat that followed Mono.

"I always get left behind." Six sighed.

Solus Affinity (Mono x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now