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Forests were always something used in fairytales where witches and monsters lived. They tell kids to steer away from there for their own safety.
If only they had known this before.
These monsters were the same adults who watched over them and warned them of the monsters in the words or demons at the swamps.
But never the ones who you were supposed to depend on.
Especially when they tucked you in at night and reassured you that they were only fictional and nightmares are nothing.

Their reassurance meant nothing as they were empty words to lure in the pray.
Gaining your trust because they are older and taller and apparently wiser. They were meant to protect the children.

So protective that the woods they was lured in forest surrounded by bear traps and dead fall traps, waiting for them to step foot outside.

Having enough of being kept in and locked away, the small child swam through the muck at the front door, crawled through the rabbit-like burrows, hurrying away from the man that carried his double barrel shot gun at his side.

The fog had made their sight difficult to detect where the man was and had to make the child rely on their hearing and sight of his lantern.

Wearing their overly large camp grey sweater as a dress to keep it light to run but keep them warm only made their escape easier, along with the matching bucket rain hat they had tied on their head.

Raised in a swamp and the messy oozing flesh tray lumped all over the floor didn't bother the child as they were barefoot all the time and gunk would occasionally slip in between their toes.

Being barefoot in the cold would cause them to be sick floated in their head until the worry of running out of stamina flew the previous worry behind.

The small child panted, allowing the cold cry air enter their throat, burning through their nostrils and causing them to cough and forcing themselves to swallow their saliva in order to not get any closer than needed to the terribly maintained cabin.

A gap appeared before them, being no problem for them as they were always hopping around the cabin and ran around and over the broken wooden planks.

They sprinted and squat leapt to the flat rock before them, avoiding the leaves surrounding them.

Doing the same thing before in order to reach the other side, ther knees grew weak from jumping too much and fell on their stomach, scrapping their chin on the mossy grass and mud.

They spat as scrambled up to their feet.

The floor launched them upwards, limbs slipping through rope and hoisted in the air. Their brain jolted around their head at the speed they were snarled in.

Once aware of the damage that was done, they stared at the forest floor beneath them, leaves falling back in place and a log where they once stood.

How could they have been so stupid that they fell through one of his traps, waiting for them to fall though in any attempt.

The child sat up, balancing themselves from the wobbly cocoon they were stuck in.

They groaned, pushing all the leaves out the way to get a better sight of the ground. Once they had fallen through, leaving only them in the net, the sense of hope came back to light.

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