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(Y/n) yawned, reaching an abandoned and overcrowded garbage storage, a large vast of boxes surrounding them and tiny cups.

"This is what we need." (Y/n) groaned, stepping forward until they slipped on something rubbery.

They glanced down and saw a sleeve of a raincoat.

The coughing girl behind them gave a spark of idea in the older child's mental gears.

They handed the raincoat to the short girl. "Here." They offered and watched the shivering girl button up the raincoat and pull over the hood.

(Y/n) jumped up to the boxes and set what they had in their pockets, revealing the food they have stored.

(Y/n) grabbed a few cups they could carry and went outside to collect from the rain out there.

Six softly curved the corner of her lips up, staying warm by the small fire (y/n) had made ata corner.

She wolfed down her potato and bread ratio of share and slightly picked at the scrambled eggs that were once in (y/n)'s pocket during all the fights and chasing.

Regardless, (y/n) has managed to feed 3 people.

"Over here!" Their voice echoed, alerting the smaller children.

(Y/n) finished digging around and found an adults shirt with a suitcase that was packed in clothes.

It was a naturally made bed for all 3 to fit in.

Six bounced in the suitcase, gleeful they'd get rest.

The fire tickled around, illuminating the shaky fires going all angles, dancing with the wind.

(Y/n) laid in bed, hearing Six mumbled.

"What are you going to do when you first get out of here?" She asked.

"Go on more adventures with you guys." Mono turned to the girl.

"I wanna find somewhere to hide. Maybe find wherever and whoever I find.

(Y/n) hummed, staring up at the endless ceiling above providing them shelter.

"Follow you guys around? Well, if there's room there anyway. I might go back to the cabin and live there." (Y/n) admitted, folding the edge of the blanket.

"Back there? Why not travel with us?" Mono questioned.

"Well, I don't know who's gonna make it to the end or not." (Y/n) frowned.

The silence died instantly as it came from Mono's voice.
"I don't wanna leave behind a friend." He muttered to the taller child in bed.

Not tired as they seemed before, (y/n) got up from the bed, grabbing the 2 children's hands, getting them off the bed with a gleeful face.

"What are we doing?" Mono asked.

"We're dancing!" (Y/n) grinned, spinning the 3 of them clock wise, all linking hands.

Solus Affinity (Mono x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now