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As the ceiling caved in above Six and Mono, (y/n) reached the door which had no doorknob to it, leaving one option left.

(Y/n) pushed the door down until they tumbled down the now ramp like door and ended up a new room that was also falling apart.

Mono grabbed (y/n)'s hand, pulling hem up as they ran and scrambled to their feet from the rotten falling planks.

The ceiling lights swayed roughly until they fell behind them, leaving them completely in the dark.

Right as all 3 were about to reach the door, Sox screamed as a large portion of the floor above crashes on her.

(Y/n) stopped and looked back, attempting to pull Six before hearing Mono cream as he jumped on a loose plank on accident and fell through.

"Mono!" (Y/n) cried out, holding Six'a hand which fell right in their hands.

Teary eyes landed on the now unconscious girl who's head hung down, wedged in between stone and wood.

(Y/n) let go of Six's hands, feeling the dust fly right into their eyes.

The looked down below to see dust all over Mono's body that laid there, not attempting even get up.

Looking at both of the children at their side, (y/n) sat on the floor by Six, holding their hand.

"We didn't make it out alive." They frowned, whispering to the trapped body.

They stared at their hand that was placed on their knee, falling into the now collapsing floor, possibly crushing Mono.

(Y/n) hummed, sitting up as they saw a large floor tile resting on top of them.

(Y/n) heaved the object off of them, rubbing their head from a certain fall.

"A dream? I thought I fell through something. Weird." They muttered as they got up to dust themselves and shifted their gaze up to see Six's body underneath a couch.

The girl in the yellow raincoat mumbled a bit as they attempted to push them sly out of the crushing seat above them.

"Holy shit! You're alive!" (Y/n) gasping, rushing to the girl and pulled both of her arms which popped her right out the trap.

(Y/n) got up and scanned the small room they were in.

"Where's Mono? Where- where is he?" (Y/n) stepped on the shards of the broken flashlight that once belonged to the boy with the paper bag on his head.

Hearing shoving ahead, the boy got up from the floor who was underneath cloth from vanished adults and the wooden pieces and stones.

"You're okay!" (Y/n) hugged the boy.

"You're not okay." Six whispered, dusting themselves off.

(Y/n) pulled away from the paper bag wearing boy who gasped at the sight of their face.

Blood smeared on the cheek from their nose, caused by the fall.

"Blood! We gotta stop the blood." Mono yelled.

"No it's okay. I always bleed when ever I fell. I fell lots of times in the forest with the Hunter."
(Y/n) rambled as Six stared at her hand which (y/n) grabbed on to help them out.
A bit of their blood was smudged there, calling out to her.

As Mono found a cloth to help the tall child who resisted and went straight out the door, Six licked the back of her hand.

The iron from the child made their stomach growl even though they had enough food in their stomachs to keep them going on the journey to the outside.

Six eyes narrowed at (y/n) who called out to them to follow them.

Entering a room was a TV perfectly intact which made (y/n) stay cautious to it.

Mono ran to it as it buzzed brightly once again like the other two times before.

He stood at the TV, hands on the screen.

"What do you think he's doing?" (Y/n) asked Six who seemed to lick their fingers, dazed out.

They gasped as Mono was being sucked in completely by the TV.

"Mono!" They cried, grabbing the child's waist that hasn't been swallowed in.
They yanked them back from the TV that continued to blare out loud static that soon turned into a spiral.

(Y/n) got up on their feet and watched Six intervene by pulled Mono up to his feet.

Six'a glanced up and widened at the sight of the TV.

Believing the same was happening to Six, (y/n) made them duck down.

"Don't look at it!" They yelled until Mono scrambled o their feet, moving away from the TV.

Six signaled her hand to make the tallest child follow them, away from the blaring bright screen.

Six shook her head in disbelief and ran out the room.

Mono grabbed (y/n)'s hand at the last second when a tall thin man with long snake like hands pulled themseluout the TV.

(Y/n) didn't know exactly how the man looked as they turned to look back but could tell this was something they couldn't exactly defeat based on their powers.

Mono and the child ran down the hall they saw Six had fallen before getting back up again.

Shockingly, the tall man's strides were slow and seemed graceful from how each footstep echoed sharply into their ears.

He ducked his entire body in order to fit through the door they ran down from.

Mono pulled (y/n) underneath the bed with them.

(Y/n) looked around underneath he bed to not spot Six with them but instead underneath a tipping table.

"Six, come here!" (Y/n) yelled but it was too late as the man stood at the door.

Six rushed to (y/n) but was stopped as the man had made her legs a blur, causing Six to glitch and warp her entire body that she was nothing but a blob that stuck their hand out.

Mono covered his eyes, not wanting to watch Six's demise.

"Don't take her!" (Y/n) wailed, running out of the bed and hugged Six who held their hand out to them for safety.

Six screamed as she and (y/n) were taken away by the tall man's hands, into a world they would probably never see Mono again.

A fleshy dimension that seemed more like they flew around an organ or an intestine with eyes staring at them as they traveled through.

Six hugged and cried onto the tall child who held them back.

Each time the tall man would reach over to them, (y/n) would glare at the man wearing the dark blue suit and fedora.

Each time the child would avoid him, the man would snarl and attempt once again to tear the two apart.

Solus Affinity (Mono x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now