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(Y/n) helped Six jumped down the window, letting her going once reaching a lever near by a grand piano.

"Maybe we should get on it and see where it heads up too?" (Y/n) asked.

"That's too heavy for us to lift. It'll go through the ground." Mono explained.

"Well let's break the ground then." Six shrugged, talking (y/n) in as they twisted the lever, raising the piano as it could go before the rope had snapped, sending it crashing down, right before the 2 shorter children.

"No one got hurt, right?" (Y/n) asked as the two shook their heads.

The three climbed up, stepping on the keys.
(Y/n) grinned, grabbing both of the kids hands, jumping up and down on the keys, making odd noises that somewhat played a tune.

Mono did the same as (y/n) and Six jumped as well before heading a creek on the floor beneath.

"I think we're sinking further." Six explained.

"Ight then, get on top and let's jump." (Y/n) instructed, pushing the two kids up before getting on top by the rope, holding hands once again, syncing their jumps.

The three screamed, holding each other as they fell through the floor and into another library with a padlocked door.

"Oh shit, we actually made it." (Y/n) chuckled as Momo and Six teamed together as before, Momo stepping on Six to give him a boost to a small window.

"Um, help." Mono whimpered.

To (y/n)'a horror, a stray child from before appeared, dissecting a frog with a key.
A weapon was there, but placed right next to her.

"Six, make a distraction." (Y/n) pointed at the piano as she ran to the metal chain raising gates.

The taller girl growled, reaching their hands through the gate, trying to grab (y/n)'s face.

In the corner of their eyes, Mono grabbed the pipe and bashed the girl's head in, dropping the pipe in order to grab the wet and sticky key from the frog's corpse.

(Y/n) grabbed the gate from the bottom, lifting it up, allowing Mono to cross over with the key at hand.
Mono gulped, pointing at the corner of the room, his finger aiming at the bully coloring on the floor.
Mono crow he's to reach for the hammer near the bully, until he and (y/n) noticed Six softly reach over to the boy.

"What is she doing?" Mono whimpered.

He lightly gasped, watching Six tackle the boy from behind, grabbing the back of his head before smashing his face to the ground repeatedly before it finally caved in.

Mono gulped, letting go of the hammer and with shaking fingers, opened a drawer to step on and climb over.

(Y/n) gave a thumbs up to Six for releasing any issues inside her since she was kidnapped.

The three ran up a flight of stairs with spoiled and stained carpet over them and to a dead end with a door shut tight.

"Mono, up there! There's an opening!" (Y/n) noticed and helped Mono up, watching him climb up a stack of books before shoving a box out the way for the two to climb up.

Solus Affinity (Mono x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now