I raise an eyebrow at the information and two plans start to form in my head...Perfect.

Excitement courses through my veins, just thinking about the big loot my crew and I could get...The gold could be possibly enough to help half of the poor people in the kingdom, maybe more.

Hearing the news, I pull up my dark blue hood over my head and leave a bag of coins for the owner before I take off to my horse.

It doesn't take me long to reach my horse, he is a white Friesian Horse, named Comet.

As he sees me, he starts neighing in relief. "Okay boy, we better go," I say, as I see royal guards roaming the market from afar with the Captain close behind. I swing up onto Comet, and I start to ride into the forest, the tension in my shoulders fades, as I ride further away from the market. The loud noises from the kingdom slowly fade away, as I continue to ride into the deep forest...


Lena's POV

I rest my hands on the railing of my balcony, as I look towards my kingdom. The buildings around the castle were elegant and made out of fine metals and stones. With the sun rising behind them, the view looked almost surreal. That's why it is my favorite time of day...

Everything is calm and peaceful, all of my problems fade away, while I look at my kingdom.

Well, my problems don't stay out of my mind for long...

It isn't my kingdom and it will never be my kingdom, no matter how badly I want it to be...

My father is the king of this land, but the queen is not my biological mother.

You see, my father had a torrent affair, which got my mother pregnant.

When my stepmother had found out, that the king had an affair and had a bastard child, she didn't want anyone to see, that her and the king's marriage was anything but perfect, so she had my mother killed (Because she is a Bitch) and took me in as her own from a young age.

Yes I know, mother of the year award goes to Queen Lillian.

I hear a knock on my door, so I walk back into my chamber and call out, already knowing who it is.

"You may enter."

I smooth out my nightgown, as my lady in waiting and best friend, Sam Arias, walks into the room.

She curtsies slowly to me, which confuses me, until I see my mother enter behind Sam, who stands as she announces my mother. "Princess, her majesty, the queen, has requested to have an audience with you."

I nod and say: "Thank you, Sam. Could you please go warm up the bath for me? I would like to take one before we go on our walk around the gardens." She bows to me, before walking into my bathing room to draw a bath. I turn my attention back to my mother as I say: "Mother what can I do for you?"

I don't show it on my face, but fear is sinking through my whole body.

My mother is smiling...

That is never a good sign. The only time she smiles is around Lex, when she has found a new way to suck the life out of the kingdom, or more often than the others, she has found a new way to punish me.

I would bet my whole inheritance, that she is here for the very last reason.

"You need to start packing. You will be leaving for the Daxam's territory tomorrow afternoon."

My eyebrows raise in surprise, as I say: "What? Why?"

Her smile grows as my dread grows bigger and bigger. "We have finally secured our alliance with the Daxam Kingdom. You will go to their kingdom, as a show of good faith, until the alliance is secured at the end of the month."

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