They unmounted from their horses and walked into the temple. The sound of their boots echoed in the quiet halls.

They weaved through hallways and finally came to an open place. The smell of incense hit their noses, herbal scents filled the room. An altar was at the end of the room and smoke could be seen coming from it, a faint one. A woman knelt in front of the altar making praying gestures.

Leondre signaled to his men to wait at the door which they obediently did. He took a final glance at them before walking into the room.

"Why did you reject a royal summon?"

The woman turned her back to look at him before slowly standing up. She was dressed in a red gown and her face was covered with a red veil, "My Lord" she gently took off her veil revealing her face then lowered her head. She may have been a priestess but she was a beautiful enough to entice anyone but Leondre was oblivious to it.

"Why did you reject a royal summon?" He repeated his question again.

"The heavens wanted it"


"They see what we do not see, they know what we do not know, they give life to whom they give it to" Her voice echoed in the room and she began walking down the stairs away from the altar and towards him, "And they take life from whom they want to"

Leondre knew that the last part of the sentence was directed towards him, "So the heavens are refusing for you to heal your King?"

The maiden remained silent and she casted her eyes down. When she finally spoke, there was no sympathy in it. Her mind had already been made up. She spoke callously, "I do as they bid"

Leondre laughed, the sound was low and dark, "Whatever they bid, you follow?"

"I'm afraid so"

Leondre began walking in circles and he started chuckling "So whatever happens, happens?"


Leondre stopped walking and closed the distance between them. The woman remained standing, not feeling the need to cower under his regal presence. Leondre drew out a small sword and pointed it to her neck. Her eyes suddenly widened "So tell me, if I run this through your neck right now, does that mean the heavens wanted it?"

Her gaze flickered from his face to the metal he held against her neck.

"My Lord"

"What? We both know the heavens don't reveal to you when you die or how you die"

She nodded

"I bet it is the heavens will for me to slit your throat right here, isn't it?"

She watched him closely, she could see the pain and anger swimming in his eyes. He meant every word that he had just said to her.


Cyane stayed in the King's room like Leondre had asked her to. Her eyes were sleepy but she still tried to stay awake. She watched the King closely, his breathing was very shallow. It looked as though he wasn't breathing and to clear up her doubts she walked over to his side and plopped on a chair.
She reached for his hand and turned it over slowly then checked for his pulse, it was still pumping but it was slow. That alone was enough.
A smile found its way to her lips then she tried retreating her hand only for her hand to be grasped tighter.

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