11. Trade For Trade

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Whatever, thing is. I don't get it, why would everyone hate me for taking drugs, even police. It is not like they'll turn me to bad guys or something, can you believe that Row?." Claimed Gargamel directly

"I'll let you judge your testament." Said Row

"Huh?." Gargamel was confused

"Forget it." Said Row

"I know. Forget everything." Said Gargamel

"That is not what I mean you idiot." Moaned Row for Gargamel's stupidity again

"No. If we forget about this, maybe life would be ok. I wish I could.......forget about everything, this, my troubles, the loss, everything." Claimed Gargamel wishing for things to be hood

"Have you considered suicide?." Suggested Row

"Who do you think I am Row?." Asking Gargamel for what person Row take him for

"A dumb fool." Mocked Row

"Ugh!." Gargamel then had an idea; "You know Row. I am starting to like you, after this and you saving me. Could. Could you do me a favor?."

"What?. Kill you, so it won't count as suicide?." Asked Row

"Screw you. No!. There is this guy, as old as you, I betted a lot of money. You are tough, tell him to leave me alone." Said Gargamel naively with a smile, begging with an act

"I am not in the extorting business, I am just a sociology student." Said Row

"Come on!, pretty please." Begged Gargamel as he put his face close to Row

"Hehe, nope." Row still rejected straight

"There you go, you suck big time you know that?!." Angered Gargamel

"So what?!." Bombarded Row

Gargamel was clueless that; "Uhm......yeah you suck!."

Row then talked to Gargamel closely; "Listen to me boy. For a college student like me, fighting in a conflict where children and teens fight for hierarchy, technically being more mature than any adult can be; You should know, I am not the guy you like to mess around with. So we cool?."

"Ugh fine!. You are just like the everybody else, all are snakes." Blamed Gargamel

"Not everyone!." Claimed Row

"Shut up. Ugh!. You know my life is not well." Angered Gargamel

"I don't need to be so curious about life." Laughed Row

"Of course you're not, that is because you ain't an orphan like me. You don't know what it is like to lose a father and mother." Angered Gargamel

"Well you don't know what it is like, to lose your parents, your orphan guardian, and the mate you call brothers, who died in a midst. Now let me tell you, are you grateful now?!." Roasted Row again, that got Gargamel real hard

"Now that you said it, nope. But man!, I got many debts!!." Argued Gargamel

"Then stop gambling you hoodlum." Said Row

"It's fun, and easy money." Gargamel couldn't resist

"Luck never turns out the way it is kid." Said Row

"Don't call me a kid, I'm 19 now. I wish I had the power of luck, I wouldn't be in debt with Big Mike, Alberto, Conan, Jackie......" listed Gargamel

"That is why I would never be in the extorting business." Laughed Row hearing Gargamel's list

"Sure sure, be what you like. Ugh!. Who else?. Jeremy. Daryl Johnson. Little Johnson. Big Johnson. Scary Poppa. Snado. Goran Pickle. Little Tennessee. Robert Jore........" Gargamel listed as Row heard someone familiar

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