Chapter Twenty-Three [ 23 ]

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Dream's Pov

Third person -



"..-I think I'm in love with him.." Dream said, sounding a bit guilty. He didn't dare to look at George because even though he doesn't love him anymore, George is still his friend, his best friend, he still cares for the brunette; that'll never change.

George was just in shock, his mind going everywhere. The male felt the tears start to show in his eyes, not fighting when they fell.

"I.. umm.." George tried to form a sentence, but no words could or would come out. He knew. He knew how Dream and Techno felt about each other, he saw how they would act, he saw that they were getting closer and closer to each other.

He just didn't want to admit it.

George didn't want Dream's love to leave, he wanted for the male to be with him, he just wanted Dream.

Dream made George show his feelings, and accept them. The colorblind male had a hard time with showing his feelings, but the masked male made him show them, it was just his affect.

"... ok! I'm sorry George, but I can't lie to you nor mysel-" Before Dream could finish his sentence, he was cut off.

"N-no... no.... I'm sorry!" George said shakingly, his hands trembling, tears flowing down his face and into his shirt. His mind and body were in full shock, not knowing what to do.

Before Dream could say anything or do anything, George stood up and with his shaking legs; he ran. Dream was left there on the bench, reaching his arm out, debating whether or not to go after him; finalizing on staying on the bench, waiting for George to come to terms with the breakup.

George's Pov

Third person -

As George ran, the faster he got. His legs were moving as faster as they could, not stopping, his tears ripping off into the wind.

George wasn't paying attention to anything or anyone else, the brunette was only focus on running far away.

Suddenly, the male's leg was hit by hard concrete, his body swung around, and his ass landed right into water and the ground beneath. The thing that he tripped over, and is now sitting in with his legs dangling over the concrete, was a water fountain.

George sat there, his body being covered in water and a lily pad was on his head.

George sensed something, or well, someone was standing in front of him. When he looked up he saw the male from the ball, Ninja, who had his hand extended to him so he could get out of the fountain.

The brunette grabbed the others' hand and got pulled up, as he was now sitting on the side of the fountain.

"You're soaking wet, come here, lets get you dry" Ninja said, grabbing George's forearm.

"Hey! I barely know you, where are you taking me." George ordered offensively, his head guard persona showing up.

"Shhh, I'm just grabbing a towel, you don't have to stay if you don't want to," The other said calmly, almost being the complete opposite of George. George thought about it and just huffed, but walked with the other.

( a/n - sorry, I've never watched Ninja before ;-; )

When they bought a towel from a shop, they meaning only Ninja, George had his mind set on staying outside of it.

Thanks to the sun that shines down bright on Adularia, George was already drying, with the towel down draped over his shoulders.

The two sat down on the side of the road, licking the ice cream that Ninja had bought the two also.

"So, what's going on between you and that boy?" Ninja asked suddenly, glancing at George from the corner of his eyes.

".. he just broke up with me.." The male said, almost emotionlessly. The other just narrowed his eyes, seeming a bit mad.

"Well, that's his loss then, don't be upset over something like this. Things like relationships are just words, not very much actions" Ninja said to George, rubbing his shoulder.

"Tch, yeah, but I see why he did.." George said, looking down at the gravel beneath him, thinking about the memories he had created with his new ex.

"You seem like a lovely perso-"

"-Oh, you want to know a lovely person? Because that person is Dream. I was just a douche and was a fucking jerk." George interrupted Ninja, not taking another view of things.

"George, how long have you known him?"  Ninja asked, a bit confused on why George was being so stubborn about things.

"About 4 or 5 years, we were young when we met." The colorblind male spoke under his breathe, but just loud enough for the other person beside to hear what he had said.

"And, how long have you and Dream dated?"

"A year and a half, two years." Now Ninja could see why George wasn't very open about this, because they've known each other for a while, so George has probably had these feelings for about three-ish years now.

They both fell in silence, it was quiet, besides from the noise being created by the villagers. Neither of the two knew what to say or even do.

".. you're an interesting guy Ninja," George murmured.

"Oh, am I now?" Ninja said a bit teasingly, raising an eyebrow.

".. mhm.." The brunette hummed, ur being very clear that he was off in his mind, in his own little world.

"Are you and the other guy still friends?" Ninja asked with a bit of concern, knowing that breakups could be a bit messy.

"Yeah, I guess so. Dream isn't the type of person to cut off his friendship with you, just because of a fall out." George murmured knowingly, not wanting to get very vocal about Dream.

It was getting later and later into the day, where the sun wasn't in the high sky and was more to the side. George and Ninja had been talking a bit, getting to know each other.

Ninja had tried to get up and leave, but George had just grabbed his sleeve of his shirt, and had pulled him back down.

The whole day they've been getting to know each other, telling about birthdays and facts about themselves, George had learned that he was friends with Sapnap's crush, Karl, which was something George had to tell Sap.

But the thing was, they didn't care about the breakup that happened a few hours before. They were just sitting there, hand in hand.


a/n -

Ok, there we go!

Chapter 24 is next!

Only 2 more chapters to go,


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