Chapter One [ 1 ]

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Techno's Pov

Third person -

Techno was on a hunting trip with Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. Phil having to stay behind because he was Adularia's healer, which meant that Phil couldn't leave the Kingdom too much unless Wilbur was there to take over for him. But either way, no one was upset so that's good. Well Tommy's upset and complaining, but that's what he always does and Tubbo was left hearing and tolerating his non-stop complains.

Techno decided to see if he could catch any animals so the 4 of them can eat good for the night, and hopefully have some left over for tomorrow to make all of their lifes easier. 

Techno was following a path that Tommy and Tubbo had made a day prier since the twins were bored and decided to see if they could catch anything. They didn't of course, since Tommy was too loud and Tubbo can't hurt a fly, at least sometimes he can't, you'll be surprise at how much this short sweet teenager can pack a punch. 

Techno couldn't hear nor see any animals, so he decided to go off path but noting which direction he came from. Techno walked a couple of minutes until he heard something, a wolf? No, it was a small pack of deer, 5 deer to be exact.

"Bingo" Techno said proudly, moving towards the noise.

Techno then saw the deer, slowly taking out 5 arrows and unhinged his bow from his shoulder and shifted it down into his hands. Techno trusted his aim enough to fill his bow with all 5 arrows, hoping to hit all 5 deer at once.

"C'mon, hold still.." Techno said quietly

The deer were then close but far away enough from each other for Techno to have the confidence to shoot his shot.

Techno breathed in and out, calming his pulse and stopped any shaking he might've had.


All 5 arrows moved through the air at once and landed right where Techno wanted, the arrows killed all the deer at once which Techno was thankful.

Techno grabbed all the 5 deer and then walked back to the man made path, Techno was almost to the hut all the 4 were staying at, it wasn't in sight yet but he knew he was close enough to calm down and set down the deer to catch his breath, sitting down on a rock large enough to hold the tall muscular young lad.

{ -15 minutes later- }

Techno heard a bush shake, this wouldn't normally worry him but the sun was falling and stars were replacing it's place in the sky. Techno immediately whipped his head towards the nose, pulling his sword from the case that was lying along his back, moving closer he saw a figure's outline, not one of an animal's but one of a person's.

'What is this?-' Techno thought, not letting his guard down for one second, preparing to attack and/or defend himself.

The sun was still enough in the sky for Techno to tell out the person's features.

The person was male who was fair skinned, the person was wearing an emerald dark green hoodie and jeans that held cuts and slices, patches of blood from the cuts in the clothing confirming that the blood was the males'. The hoodie's hood was pulled up but some dirty blood hair strands hanging out to cover a mask that held a smiling face fully covering the boy's face. He looked around Techno's age, maybe a little younger, the boy looked to be like 2ish inches shorter than him.

"Ummm, hello?" Techno whispered yelled to the male, a little bit confused but ready to attack if needed.

The male looked right at Techno and started to limp run over to him, which made Techno's grip on his sword stronger almost getting into a fighting stance, until the unknown male in question yelled this-

"P-Please.. help" The male then started to fall over, probably from blood loss and exhaustion.

Techno ran forward, catching the male just in time before he hit the ground.

'Hmm, I'll have to have Wilbur check you out.. God, now I have to take you back'  Techno sighed and picked up the passed out male, going to pick up his sword then he heard the sound of shaking metal.

'Oh, what now!? Can't a guy catch a god damn break!?' Techno silently screamed in his mind, turning around see 3 guards from another kingdom from his own. 

Techno put down the male who was still bleeding out, trying not to get any dirt into the boy's wounds, then picking up his sword in his hands and getting into a fighting stance. The guards following short after.

"Hand over the lad and we'll let you go peaceful then you can go on your merry old way!" The head guard shouted over to Techno, which made him glare over at the unknown lad in question.

'Oh, of course you just had to be follow! Yay, more work for me...! Guess I have to protect you now...' Techno said silently in his mind being very sarcastic, and mentally sighed.

"No, you'll have to kill me before you get to him, but if you leave now I'll spare you!" Techno answered back to the guard, not backing down.

The guards all sighed, not wanting to deal with this. They drew their weapons, and the 4 of them prepared to brawl. Getting into a fighting stance, Techno was the first one to strike.

Techno and the head guard's sword clashed making a loud metal sound, the guard to the left came in to stab the young secret prince but Techno freed one of his hands from his sword, grabbed an arrow, and stabbed in in the soldier's eye.

The guard immediately let his sword fall to the ground, put both of his hands to his eyes, and fell to the ground beside his sword. Needless to say, he wasn't getting up anytime soon, and he too was going to pass out from shock.

The guard to right then came in and the head guard went in to slice Techno's shoulder open, luckily for Techno he moved to the left quickly, stabbed the head guard in the back, and pulled his sword from the fallen soldier's back.

The right guard looked like a new one, he had a helmet 2 sizes too big, his armor didn't fit right and he didn't hold his sword properly.

'He's probably a noobie, what a waste of my time..' Techno sighed, deciding if he wanted to go easy or not.

Techno moved forward at the speed of sound, knocking the young guard out by the movement of him chopping the other's neck.

"Another win for Technoblade! Woo!" Techno cheered for himself, winning a fight with 3 guards from another unknown kingdom.

Techno went over to the passed out male who he had saved, he proceeded to swing the boy over his shoulders, putting his sword back in it's place, blood that isn't his covering his white under shirt, he went over to the 5 deer he had killed 30 minutes prier but he only picked up 2 out of the 5, having to carry the unknown male back to the hut too.


Author's note -

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story! 

I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter I have ready for you guys!

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