Chapter Four [ 4 ]

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Techno's Pov

Third Person -

Techno has gotten to know Dream a little bit, it has been 3 days since he has woken up. The secret prince has to either help Dream everywhere or bring everything to him, which the elder male does not like and he doesn't plan to tolerant it for much longer.

"Techno! Can you come here!" Dream yelled from the other room, making Techno's eye twitch in anger.

The day after the blondie woke up, he's taken advantage of his injuries and annoyed the fuck out of the strawberry blonde lad. Techno was so close to just knocking him out and leaving him out in the cold, and since Wilbur was trying to clean up Phil's bedroom, guess where Dream had to stay...

Techno entered his bedroom and looked at the injured lad on his bed, if you guessed that Dream had to stay in Techno's bedroom then you'd be right. 

Techno squeezed his hands in fists to avoided accidently choking the other to death, the only thought stopping him is the 4- well, now 5 are heading back into the village tomorrow so that is the only thing bring the annoyed male glee.

"What do you need now." Techno said, obviously annoyed, this was the 7th time he's been in this room for Dream's little requests and it was only 9 am. Dream just looked over and smiled under his mask, Techno couldn't see it but he could just feel it and it made he more annoyed.

"I'm hungry, again.. Can I get food" Dream complained and had a pleading tone, Techno just groaned in annoyance and just nodded. Then he left the room to go get Dream some food.

Techno entered the room 5 minutes, holding a plate filled with crackers, cold eggs, and deer meat. He placed the plate in front of the injured boy, who lifted up his mask just enough to show his mouth. Techno looked away, seeing some of the other's face.

"... I have to go." Techno quickly said, leaving the room in an instant. Wilbur and Tommy were hunting and brought Tubbo along with them for their trip just incase both of them somehow get hurt, plus Tommy wouldn't stop complaining if Tubbo didn't go along.

When Techno was in the living room he sighed and sat down, his face flushed for a reason unknown to him. Whenever Tommy or Wilbur were sick Techno never treated them like this, and he's known them for years so why does this stranger he saved almost a week ago make him act different.

Techno thought about why but no answers came to his mind, needless to say the prince was confused. Confused at why Dream made him feel like... feel like he was on cloud 9, why did he feel like he just won 100 fights against the toughest gods alive. 

Techno put his head in his palms in defeated, he wasn't going to give into this feelings for this stranger. The prince decided to repress these undistinguished feelings for the injured lad, and just sat on the couch, mind wondering not being able to settle on one.

Dream's Pov

Third Person -

Dream watched as Techno practically ran out of the room, making the lad confused at why the other did so but didn't question it.

Truth be told, the only reasons why he's making all these little requests was because he wanted to see the person who had saved him. Techno was like Dream's unknown drug, he wasn't an addict to him but he just wanted to make sure he was there.

Dream didn't want to say but, Techno has a special place in his heart after all he did save him from the 3 Evelyn guards, he left out the Kingdom of Evelyn part on purpose since he would most likely get executed if he ever went back Dream was already a chiseler which is the worst role you could have, since it basically calls you a traitor. But Dream was happy Techno filled the void in his heart ever since-....

Dream shook the thoughts out of his head, sitting in silence the only noise he can hear is the clacking and thrashing of the silverware he's using to eat. After Dream finishes eating, he simply sets it on the bedside table and picks up the glass of water he had Techno bring him earlier and took a small sip of the liquid.

Dream just sat back and rested his head on the other's pillow. Dream looked up at the ceiling as he pulled his mask back down, thinking random thoughts inviting themselves into his head. He didn't mind the thoughts- well, he didn't until a memory started speaking-

'Come on George, Sap! We're going to be late to Bad's 21st birthday pa-' Dream immediately launched up, feeling a bit of pain from the unthought out motion but he ignored it. Not wanting to remember that, he started counting and naming the things he could see around the other's room.

The little game kept his mind busy and it was kind of fun, seeing how many unknown items were around him, he had a little smile crossing his face, had is the keyword. He was having fun until he saw a shelf that was covered by a sheet, he reached over and pulled off the sheet, and then his eyes landed on something shiny, glossing and shining in the sun's embrace.

What is it you ask, well it's..-

"A royal crown.."


Author's note -

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the fourth chapter of this story!

I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter I have ready for you guys!

( sorry that this was a shorter chapter than the others ;-; )

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