Chapter Ten [ 10 ]

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George's Pov

Third person -

"Ok, we should rest here" George said, being in front, Bad and Sap had to stop for some reason that was caused by their horse.

George got off his horse, tying it up, the two others doing the same. George's horse, Issa, was near the path. Sap's horse, Lista, was more into the forest they were in. And Bad's horse, Opposi, was right by where he set up his sleeping bag.

After they all set up their sleeping bags, they went out to grab sticks and rocks for a fire.

The sun was starting to set, they've traveled for hours now. Only taking breaks ever so often, leaving their horses in need of rest, as well as their selves.

The three of them sat around the fire, their bodies warming in the heat, readjusting at times because the heat became too much. The fire acted like a ballroom dance, holding each other in a beautiful scene, love growing without the two individuals realizing it.
( a/n - foreshadowing...? 👀👀👀 )

"So George!" Bad said, happy that they're resting after hours of traveling underneath a hot sun. The colorblind male turned his head, giving the oldest male knowledge that he was listening.

"So, how did you and Dream start dating?" George flushed a little, his mind blanking out from the out of nowhere question.

"Yeah George, how did you get Dreamie boy to fall for you?~" The youngest boy said, his voice teasing the other who shot a glare at him. Bad having to calm down both males, so they don't beat each other.

"W-Well... 7 months ago.. Dream and I were drunk and I took his first kiss.." George said shyly. Sap showing great interest in this love story, Bad just looking at the story teller, smiling a bit showing him support to continue and to stop if he was uncomfortable.

"6 months ago, I found Dream in a snow storm. So, I took him into our home, you were gonna Sap on a mission. And.. umm.." George didn't know how to put a correct sentence together for the next part. But, the youngster knew actually what he did.

"Oh my god.. you had fucking sex with him! Woo, Bad's isn't the only none virgin in the group!" Sapnap cheered, getting a very very loud 'language' from Bad who was slightly blushing from embarrassment from the comment, George was very embarrassed and flustered.

"Y-Yeah... that night, I took Dream's virginity-" George's face was the shade of a cherry, Sap was laughing his ass off; falling off of his sit, while Bad was just glaring at George, not sure if he should scream language or not.

"Oh my god! George! Hahahaha!" The youngest screeched out, tears falling down his red face. Bad decided to forget what George had said, and helped the male who was dying from laughter to calm down. George was burning red, hands covering his face, wanting to hide from the world.

After Sap had calmed down, the eldest rubbing his back to make sure the other can actually breathe. George took his head out of his hands, face still red from flusteredness and embarrassment.

"Sometimes all I think about is you!~" Sap sang loudly, getting a hard slap from George in return. Bad then lectured the brunette to not hit his adopted brother, Sap just smirked and chuckled at the scene, George just nodded his head and glared over at Sap the whole time when he was getting lectured.

After that, Bad took out the pastries he stored in his pouch. The pastries consisted of; cookies, small cakes, cupcakes, chocolate covered nuts, chocolate covered raisins, and muffins; specifically chocolate and blueberry muffins.

The multi covered eye male, his eyes red and gray, handed them out to the other two.

Sapnap took 3 cookies, 1 cupcake, 1 of each muffin, and a hand full of the chocolate covered nuts. George took 1 small cake, 2 cupcakes, 2 blueberry muffins, a half hand full of the chocolate covered nuts, and 3 hand full of the chocolate covered raisins.

"Holy shit Bad, these are amazing!" The black haired said with a mouthful of everything, since he had stuffed everything down his throat.

"Ok, thanks, but can you not try to choke please you muffinhead, and language..!" Bad said, looking away from Sap, hands shielding his side eye view from the other; Sap had food coming out from his mouth on purpose, wanting to annoy the other.

Sap soon stopped. After choking, he had learned his lesson, and he just ate regularly, having the other two have a sigh of relief. They soon felt their eyes get heavier and heavier, yawns escaped their months; a day's worth of traveling was finally getting to them; their minds and body getting overwhelmed from exhaustion and fatigue.

They calmed dowm the fire a bit and went and got into their sleeping bags, that were right next to their horses. Their bodies I'm got swallowed into a black void when they closed their eyes, another day of travel is on their rise, they're going to be on the road in the next few hours.

Tommy's Pov

Third person -

"God, Tubbo, shut up!" Tommy yelled from the right side of the room to the left, the other singing a random tone; dancing around.

"No, deal with it, Thomas!" Tubbo giggles, since he knew saying Tommy's real name pisses him off. The elder twin jumped to his feet, stomped over the other, his body language and face telling the other that Tommy was more than angry and pissed, he was furious.

"Oh really Toby. Oh, you're gonna pay." Tommy threatened, returning the favor of calling each other their real names. Tubbo ducked when Tommy threw a punch, things got knocked down from the walls and their bedside tables. Tubbo was trying to contain his screams when Tommy grabbed his ankle, Tommy grinned and chuckled. Tubbo was scared out of his mind, Tommy reminding him of Techno. Tommy then started to tickle Tubbo, causing the younger one to start having a laughing fit, but soon it became painful.

"HahEheHE- To-Tommy! S-Stop-hahaHahaHAHAheHe!" Tubbo tried to push Tommy, who was giving no mercy on his twin.

"Tommy, let the poor boy breathe." The boy in question stopped immediately, whipping his head to look at the male in the door frame; Tubbo lifting his head to also see who spoke. The voice happened to be Wilbur's, who had his arms crossed, smirking.

"Techno and Dream are trying to sleep, it's quite a cute scene." The tall male said, specifically looking at Tubbo who just got a wide smile.

"Wanna go spy?" Tubbo asked Wilbur, they both got a mischievious gleam in their eyes. Tubbo stood up and ran out of the room with Wilbur.

Tommy just rolled his eyes, happy to finally have peace and quiet, but groamed knowing he'll have to pick up the room since it was his fault.

Tommy picked up the room, being responsible which was rare. Once he finished, he laid down and slept, not caring when Tubbo was going to return.


a/n -

Hope y'all enjoyed that!

I better get my wrists and fingers ready because soon I'll write a very long chapter, which I think y'all enjoy!

Oop, and warning, chapter 18 will included some NSFW aka a sex scene
( oh God help me :'\ )

But that's all, see ya in the next one!

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