Chapter Three [ 3 ]

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Dream's Pov

Third person -

'Ugh.. what happened..?'  Dream said opening his eyes from under his mask, and immediately panicking once he saw the place he was in wasn't one he knew. He tried to stand up but he's leg gave out in a blink of an eye, immediately falling to the floor with a loud thump.

"Ow.. Shit.." Dream groaned, waves of pain crashing over him but still panicking about where he was. Eyes looking all round the room that he was previously resting in, recalling memories moments before he passed out.

He was running from 3 guards, who stabbed him in his upper arm and upper thigh. He remembered twisting his ankle by missing a land after jumping from a bridge to land, he ran a few miles from the guards, they got a couple good hits on him but that's only because he didn't have anything to defend himself with.

As the male tried to get up off of the ground, a tall male with strawberry blonde hair rushed in seemingly confused and once he saw Dream on the ground, he grew shocked. Dream seeing the male in the door way he got a pile of emotions - curious, fright, confused, embarrassed.

Dream didn't get to figure out all the emotions he was feelings, the male in the door way spoke up having his words and mind made up.

"Why are you here, and where did you come from." The other male said, having turned a sentence that was supposed to be a question into more of a demand. Dream was speechless, not knowing what to say as he himself was confused at who the other was. The lad in the door just stood there, getting more angered at every moment  passing, he had his arms crossed seemingly pissed.

"I was chased by guards that's the only reason I'm here, even though I have no idea where here is. I came from another far away kingdom." Dream looked up at the other as he explained, the male sucking up all the information Dream had just stated.

"Well, you're in a hut on the Razusin Mountain in the Kingdom of Adularia. I'm Technoblade." The other male, who was now introduced as Technoblade, said calmly and seemed happy with the answers Dream had given.

Dream stared at the other, confused at how he traveled so far in such little amount of time, yeah it did take him a couple of days to get there but he traveled on foot, but he kept it out of his mind not wanting to mention or bring it up to the other male now stand right above him.

Techno helped the other up and back on the bed, the two just sit in silence just letting quietness gloss over them while they're lost in their own thoughts.

"So.. I told you my name, so now it's your turn. What's your name?" Techno said, breaking the silence that stood between the two. Dream was a little nervous, was he really about to tell this man who he has only known for around 5 minutes his name. 

Dream took a deep breath, and decided it was best to tell the other his 'name' or at least the one he goes by.

"M-My name is Dream." The lad just sat there, a little bit more protective of himself. Dream didn't get why he was so afraid, he didn't normally act like this even when he met others he never acted how he was acting now. 

Dream, however, snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the other chuckle. Techno looked over at the boy who just revealed himself as Dream, watching how he just kind of just turned his head a bit.

"What's so funny, huh." The injured male replied defensively, the strawberry blonde male smirked and just replied with-

"Is that your real name?" Dream just glared at Techno through his mask, it's not like he could see it though so it did little to nothing.

"Why yes it is." Techno smirked more with the response he got, he proceed to stand up and stand in front of the door frame and with the early sun shining through window, the blondie could probably see the other.

Techno was very fair skin and not very tan, he had a couple scars here and there but the most noticeable one is the long one the went from the young adult's eyebrow down across his left eye and down to just below his eye. He wore a blood red robe that fell down to his ankles, a gold chain have rubies in the middle where the two ends connecting making it able to lay across his shoulders, he has a white under shirt and deep red almost black legging jeans. A red fabric acting as a large belt, on his left side diamonds laid and held potions, a pocket for items, and a compass. He had knee high combat boots that had two strings and tied in the back, just for decoration. He had a blind left eye, from the scar, but his other eye was ruby red and could easily scare someone with just a glare. He had pink long hair, it was in a low pony tail that falls right below his shoulders. He had earrings, his right ear held 4 earrings and his left ear held 2.

Techno was just looking at the other weirdly, catching him staring him up and down. Little did he know is that, Dream was blushing slightly.

'... Holy shit he's hot..' Dream thought, only making his blush deepen.

"Um.. Hello, earth to Dream!" Techno shouted at the secretly blushing lad. that caused Dream to snap out of his thoughts about how hot the other one was, and quickly just gave a 'sorry' to the other. Techno then gave a simply goodbye to the lad, and then left the room.

Techno's Pov

Third person -

'Um.. That was something' Techno thought, a little bit confused from the interaction he just had with that Dream fellow. Techno didn't know what to think of it, feeling the other's eye ease over his whole body, he found it weird but... also fitting, it just felt right.

Techno blushed at the thought of it, embarrassed but also a mix of being flustered. In a weird way, he wanted to feel Dream's eyes on him again. But that also brought another thought...

'What does he look like.. underneath that mask' Techno thought hard about it, listing out reasons in his head for people to hide their face, but none of them made sense to him. 

Techno had so many questions about this lad, but for right now he didn't really care to ask, he made a mental note to ask them though.

Techno walked into the room where Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo were in arguing yet again, without even wanting to hear it Techno butted in-

"Well you three shut it, you're annoying." The three whipped their heads to the eldest male in the room now, they didn't saying anything about their argument.

"I heard you talking to someone, did the guy wake up yet?" Tubbo asked, he's been very curious about him ever since he learned about his existence 

"Oh yeah, he has.. Apparently his name is Dream" Techno said calmly, sitting down next to Wilbur.

"Weird ass name, sounds like a weirdo" Tommy laughed, then Techno sent Tommy a glare which made the teen immediately shut up. Wilbur chuckled at the two while Tubbo got lost in the fantasy book he was trying to read which he just gave up again, he was dyslexic after all. Techno then zoned out, thinking and staring off into space. 

"I'm going to take a nap, there's nothing to do" Before anyone could say anything to the lad, Techno got up and walked to his room in the hut. Taking off his robe, boots, and socks ( a/n - if you sleep in socks you're weird ._. ), he proceed to get under the covers and drifted off to sleep, his last thought being-

'Maybe this Dream guy isn't too annoying..'


Author's note -

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the third chapter of this story!

I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter I have ready for you guys!

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