The Final Chapter.

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Tubbo's POV

It's been two years after all of our lives changed, mostly for better, but others, for worse.

Wilbur took over Phil's medical center, becoming head of the company; he hopes it can pass it on to future generations, once he finds a spouse, that is.
Philza has retired by now, enjoying everyday as it passes. Every now and then, I see a bittersweet look in his mixed-colorful eyes, they have this far-away look to them like he isn't here mentally. He goes visits his late wife's grave morning, never missing one; he brings her favorite breakfast and flowers, sometimes staying there for around an hour, others he stays till supper.

Tommy, well, he's Tom. Of course, I have to give him more credit than that! He still has his child-ish attitude, even though we're both young adults, but he's so much more mature now and is a natural born leader. Even with that, he still is the same old spirit that he always has been, and he'll probably always be like that. That makes me just so happy, just by itself.
I also met someone, who had changed my life, who went by the name of Ranboo. He was a traveler, trying to find his family, his old life, and his real name and story; he had gotten caught in a some of some type, and had gotten an injury which had made him lose his memories and distorted his face which makes him cover his face with a mask. We became the best of friends very quickly, learning about each other's ways and we were very close. We had found a some baby piglet stranded by the side of the sideway, just left to die. This little creature had made both Ranboo and I see a bit of ourselves in this small being, so we took him in and raised him until he was ready to be off on his own. Although, ultimately, never every lasts forever. Ranboo had started getting visions of his past life, his family, who lived in another kingdom, but one of which not one of us had heard. He decided he must go and find his true self, it was something he had to do... And Tommy had a sudden sense of duty. My best friend had made of his mind and went to go search for the life he had lived, and my twin had the choice to occupy him to make sure he was safe; he also wanted his own adventure, to find a purpose in life, I think I was just something that held him back if I'm being honest. Another part of me believes that he went to search for our true parents, I won't know for sure how, it's been a little over a year since they left, since I last seen them. I hope they're doing well, the both of them.

Sapnap and Karl are doing more than well, they're now engaged to one another, and I've never seen two people have so much fun together while making jokes of one another. Least to say, they're doing amazing, and you only have to take half a glance to see how excited and joy-filled the duo are.
Ninja and George are.. let's say, I think they're doing fine. They had both decided to go back to George's kingdom themselves, I'm not sure if they wanted to clean their names or if George just felt more at home over there than here. I know that the three of them still get letters from him every now and then, Bad told me that he tries to send one every month.
Bad and Skeppy are doing well, they're taking their time with their relationship, so I feel like those two are the most normal out of everyone here. I see them out and about about almost every other day, mostly at a bakery or at some of the gardens, others at one of the fountains. I noticed that they always have the widest smiles, not only just seeing one another in-person, but just seeing objects and places that remind them of each other or where they share memories at. I'm pretty sure they're going to last for many, many years!

Dream.. well, he's not doing that great. We all aren't if I'm speaking the truth, but, especially him. The last time I saw him was at the funeral, he never left the casket's side, staying there even after it, he, was buried. Through rain, snow, the freezing cold, he was out there for days, I heard that Wil had to go there and treat Dre right there as he was almost on the brink of death. We all grieved, sometimes even I cried myself to sleep, but he most of all suffered.
In live and death, they had both made that vow, they just didn't expect the death part of the promise to come as soon as it did. Their wedding was, extravagant if that's even the word, it doesn't even hold what it was to how it was. Hearts were purely in their eyes, never letting the other out of their sight, the true definition of what love is.
Wil and Phil say that they don't know what had killed him, that his muscles and organs started to fail rapidly; once they had come up with medicine to treat one problem, ten other ones had already started to occur. It spread throughout all of his body, I could barely recognize him, so skinny and weak; a vessel of what once a feared warrior. I barely remember those days, I haven't a clue as to why, but I probably don't want to know.
Almost everyone showed for the funeral, George and Nin even attended, only Ranboo and Tommy weren't there. I'm holding myself back from thinking how Tom will react to his death, realizing that he missed his last moments, words, days, funeral. We would've invited the two of them, that was if we knew where they are, we haven't heard from them since they have left.

I don't know if I'm sadden or am joyful at not seeing a grief-sulken widow, I just am trying to not think about it, it's hard not to. I feel like a terrible person for saying that.
Life is too short for not taking action, not even a kingdom of apparent paradise can protect us from an inevitable end; life starts just for it to end, one of the few things that not anyone will ever get a say in, no matter how hard anyone tries. Try to explain the end how much you want, no one will ever know until we experience and see it but then it's too late.
That's one of many I learned from him, the one lesson I hope to use to the fullest of it's ability. Take a leap, don't care if you fall, there will be someone there to catch you; that's why you make friends and go do risky actions with groups, so you always have a hand, so you don't have to do things by yourself.

He always disliked the idea of happy ever after, it was always too good to be true in reality in his eyes; but with Dream, his eyes and actions showed that he believed in their love, that no matter whem nor where they are and will be, only that moment matters and that they'll always have each other. Since, after all, fate and destiny brought them together, it's all to thank to a fateful meeting, being a turning point of lives that they had no idea would happen.
He will be missed, fly head out crowned crow, love you.



a/n -

After over 2 years, I decided to add another part. I was originally going to do three parts, expanding on their life together where they were happy, but I changed, we all did, so the story had also changed.
I have a lot of upcoming life changing events coming up in my life now, and seeing how many people support this work, I decided to finalize that ending of this dimension's characters.

I am no longer in this fandom, not watching any of them anymore, I also forgot all the characters I put in this series so if I forgot someone... Whoopies 🤷🏼‍♀️

If you guys want a story written by me again, I will write it, including this fandom; I'm open to anything, just let me know, okay !

Love you all ❤️

Sincerely, with all of my love,

Your author,
Avalyn ❤️

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