Candy Pop

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Candy Pop:

Real Name: Candy Pop

Age: N/A

Date of Birth: N/A

Place of Birth: N/A

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Height: 6'0

Weapons: Giant, Harley Quinn-esque hammer, purple balloons (used to trap souls)

Biological Family: Sister, Candy Cane.


Proxy Relations:

Candy Cane: Sister, best friend, really the only person he talks to (They are considered twins, but Pop is older slightly).

Laughing Jack: Have bonded over similar pasts and occasionally stop for a chat.

Jason the Toymaker: Occasional colleague (Candy Pop doesn't really mind him as long as he stays away from his sister.)



In terms of personality he is very playful and zany but very dark and wicked at the same time. He laughs at the suffering of others and loves mocking and taunting his victims.

Candy Pop is a volatile creature who is more than he/they appear. Sometimes playful, sometimes evil and sometimes even sad, you will never understand or grasp who he really is or what he really is because within there's two souls fighting for dominance.

Whoever influences one another is the attitude you'll get but it can always switch. As if two people were trapped inside one body. His personality can be best described as split, multiple or disorganized but the overall way to pinpoint who he is, is simply the idea of good vs evil within one man, one spirit and soul.



Candy Pop is presented as a colorful Jester with long blue hair tied up into pigtails (with bells at the bottom of the pigtails) and big purple eyes. His outfit consists of many bright colors with a Jester aesthetic like the colors light blue, black, silver, blue and purple, that are decorated with bells.



The original Candy Pop was a Genyr (Genyrs were a special type of fairy that specialized in sealing away demonic entities including their mortal enemy, the demon king Night Terrors, who at this time was slowly killing them off one by one). Candy Pop was the Genyr of color, spirit, fun and amusement and was one of the most skilled Genyrs, being extraordinarily skilled in magic. He was considered a zany jester figure by his fellow Genyrs due to his title of Genyr of amusement. Candy Pop managed to push back Night Terrors and trap him inside a black mirror for many decades.

Candy Pop was never to gaze at the black mirror as the demon king could easily morph into one of his loved ones. But eventually Pop gazed into the mirror and fell right into the demon king's trap. Thinking it was his lover, Pop leaned in for a closer look only for Night Terrors to grab him by the hair and tear his heart and soul from his body and into his night terrors. It should be known that Night Terrors was a cluster demon, meaning he could absorb the souls of living beings (humans, demons or other entities) into himself. However Night Terrors failed to make Candy Pop part of his cluster of souls as Candy Pop fused directly with Night's own spirit in a feeble attempt to stop him. Candy Pop and Night Terrors are now one being with the objective of taking the souls of others to add more powers and abilities to himself and thus become more powerful.



- Supernatural Strength 

- Can teleport, run fast, jump high, adapt to his environment quickly, has really good sharp senses, enhanced vision, can ghost through walls and have a very durable stamina.

-Can manipulate others verbally or by supernatural means.

-Can create his own species by mixing what he has inside into one thing through supernatural means

-He can gift others supernatural abilities through contract, physical touch or energy transfer. Has regularly offered this ability to Candy Cane

-Mind Control

-Can become immune to elements and magic depending the form he takes

-Body shuts down when low on souls

-Incredibly intelligent

-Ghosting/Ghost walking

-Soul corruption/consumption

-Nightmare manipulation

-Corruption inducement


-Demonic magic

-Soul absorption

-Psychosomatic illusion



-Force field



-Holy items. 

-Spiritually strong individuals (The gifted by God). 


-The Light. 

-Holy water. 

-The Bible

-His sister. If she ever gets hurt he will start wiping out continents.


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