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Real Name: Cody Rogers

Age: 17

Date of Birth: April 28, 1997

Place of Birth: Denver, Colorado

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight/Asexual

Height: 5'5

Weapons: A baseball bat with nails sticking out of it, a duffle bag filled with most known viruses.

Biological Family: Mother, unknown status (presumably deceased); Father, deceased; Half-Sister, Lyra Rogers, deceased; Twin Brother, Toby Rogers.


Proxy Relations:

Ticci Toby: Twin brother, separated at birth, now reunited. They're very close.

Masky: Friend, Masky is dating his brother.

Hoodie: Friend (not afraid to smack-talk each other)

Clockwork: Almost brother-sister relationship, they consider themselves to be cousins/stepsiblings.

Kate the Chaser: Close friend. Kate and X-Virus have a tactic for knocking people out efficiently they came up with together.

Nurse Ann: Almost a teacher, Ann teaches him where viruses can be brought in most efficiently to the human anatomy.

The Bloody Angel: Helped her to fly, close friend.

Dr. Smiley: Almost a teacher, is just as knowledgeable about viruses, is teaching X-Virus.



X-Virus is casual a lot of the time, but can be a sarcastic loudmouth when he wants to be. He can be caring, protective, and get extremely jealous at times. Occasionally has to have the sense slapped into him by someone.



Ticci Toby's identical twin, so many of the same features. Brown hair, light skin, brown eyes. He wears a black jacket that's always zipped up, hazmat gloves, jeans and sneakers. He wears goggles with cracked lenses, and a respirator mask. His hair is always messy.



Cody had always been an unwanted kid. He never knew who his father was, and his mother was a criminal, too busy with her scheming to worry about him. She left him for days, sometimes weeks, so he soon got used to being alone, he'd never had friends. One day, a social worker arrived and took him away from my irresponsible mother to take him to an orphanage. In the beginning he didn't really care much, in fact, it was the perfect chance to start from scratch and start socializing with other kids his same age.

But everything went wrong. Nobody liked him, and they all intimidated him. He would sit on a chair and wouldn't talk to anybody, he was afraid to. He got used to the idea that he wasn't normal and that he didn't fit anywhere. Suddenly, one day, they told him to pack because he was gonna be adopted. He was really surprised. Who was gonna adopt a 13 year old boy? People usually prefer younger and cuter kids. Plus, he was a weirdo, it was obvious. He was even more surprised when they took me to a big and luxurious mansion, more than he had ever seen.

He settled in his room and some days went by until he finally met his new father. He was the chief scientist in a big laboratory that studied the behavior of a virus. Because of his job, he couldn't spend much time at home either, and he started to re-awaken old ghosts from the past. In order to avoid this, he started showing interest in his investigations, and even started helping him in his own lab. He returned the favor by explaining to me how everything worked and the amazing destructive power virus have.

Just as him, Cody started keeping a work journal, where he drew sketches and wrote down formulas. All this took up a lot of his school time, and when he did go, his classmates treated him as a weirdo. When he was 17, he had learned so much about virus, that he decided to start carrying out his own experiments. He used rats and other animals, and usually, all tests ended with the death of the subject. When they died, the emitted high noises, a kind of suffocation, as if their lungs were about to explode. It was an incredible moment. He wondered what sounds human would make, but each time he talked about this with somebody, they said he was sick and he should look for help. However, he didn't give up. One day, when he was with his father at work, he was left alone and took advantage of the situation by filling up a syringe with a very lethal virus.

That same night, while everybody was sleeping, he put on a black jacket and blue jeans, and went down to the basement. He had his baseball bat, and by coincidence he found a jar with used and rusty nails. He nailed some of them and so created a simple but mortal weapon. In another drawer he found an old gas mask and some blue welder glasses. Once he had it all, he went out to the darkest neighborhood in town. He chose a house randomly, an old and ramshackle house, and he went inside. It wasn't difficult to end the lives of everybody in there, thanks to his improved bat. But he saved the last person, a 50 year old man.

He immobilized him and injected the virus he had stolen. He waited till it had spread all around his body. The man barely complained, he was terrified. After a while, he started groaning out loud – groans that sounded like those of animals, and suddenly, he fell on the floor. He was dead, and Cody couldn't help but smile – he had finally lived that moment. When he went back home, his father was waiting for him, awake. He decided to tell him what he had done, hoping as a scientist he would share his desire for investigating. But instead, he was horrified and wanted to call the police. He looked at him with the same expression of disgust as his classmates.

When he grabbed the phone, Cody took the opportunity to smash his head with the bat. He left running, toward the research lab, where he sneaked in thanks to the accreditation he had stolen from his father. He grabbed a bag and started filling it up with syringes and virus samples of all kinds. He had decided to escape, but before doing so, went around that dirty neighborhood of the town to try out some of his new acquisitions. After that, he needed some refuge, so he went into the woods.

After some time walking, he found someone. He tried to sight him in the darkness, and he saw a boy wearing orange glasses and a muzzle covering his mouth. He was wearing a grey hoodie with a dark blue hood and he had two axes with him. He didn't know if he had seen him so he hid behind a tree, but when he looked again, he wasn't there any more. he looked in another direction and suddenly, he saw him, face to face really close to him. "Get out of there... I know you, you have nothing to hide". It didn't seem like he wanted to attack him so he went, and horrified, he asked who he was. "My name is Toby". He wanted to say his name, Cody, but instead, something different came out of his mouth: X-Virus. "Nice to meet you, X-Virus. Now, come with me". He started walking and he followed him, without even imagining he had found a great friend, his blood brother.



-Knowledge of hundreds of viruses and their uses

-Baseball Bat

-Immunity to any number of viruses (being around them so long has rendered him pretty much immune)



-The prospect (or accomplishment) of scientific discovery


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