Smile Dog

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Smile Dog:

Real Name: Smile Dog

Age: N/A

Date of Birth: N/A

Place of Birth: N/A

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: N/A

Height: 2'0

Weapons: Teeth, claws, psychic abilities

Biological Family: N/A


Proxy Relations:

Jeff the Killer: Smile Dog completely and utterly thinks of Jeff as his Master, Jeff thinks of Smile Dog as his dog.



Smile Dog is a merciless, sadistic, cruel, evil, satanic and manipulative sadist, taking advantage of his victim's fragile minds and breaking them while taunting them and telling them to spread his image across the internet, and possibly even the world. Smile Dog is surprisingly patient, he waits for his victims to give in to his demands and leaves them alone when they do, as he knows just what he's doing and takes pride in his job. He is completely loyal to one Jeff the Killer and will actively target his enemies when possible.



Smile Dog appears as a Siberian husky with grey and pink-like fur, accompanied by an inhuman smile. When he transforms into his demon form his fur turns red with a yellowish tint and black on the top of his head, his smile is far bigger.






-Insanity Inducement

-Dream/Nightmare Manipulation



-High (but not infinite) Patience and Persistence

-Can enter and exit between the Cyber-World and the Real World (and sometimes Hell)

-Sharp claws and Teeth

-Murder Skills



-Bacon bits


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