Jason The Toymaker

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Jason the Toymaker:

Real Name: Jason Meyer

Age: 20-ish

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Height: 6'3

Weapons: His 3 toy sidekicks: a black wind up mouse toy named Licorice (It spies and controls everything surrounding him. Jason almost never parts with it.), another wind up mouse toy named Red Mouse (inside of it there's a mechanical explosive device, this toy was created for exploding at a minimal touch) and a gigantic living stuffed toy snake named Mr. Glutton (it eats the wax dolls after they get too old).

Biological Family: Unknown


Proxy Relations:

Laughing Jack: Colleague, very close friends

Candy Pop: Occasional colleague

Candy Cane: Occasional colleague



Jason loves attention and performing. He can be a bit of a narcissist, and wants to be in control a lot of the time, and regularly clashes with people like the Puppeteer because of that. He can put away that side of his personality when the need arises, but that doesn't happen very often. He enjoys working with performers.



Jason the Toymaker is a tall man with burgundy hair and honey colored eyes. He wears a tan button-up vest with black trim over a white dress shirt, black gloves and black dress pants, and boots. The image above is his true form, which has white hair instead of red, and glowing green eyes.






-Toymaking (imagine that)


-Enhanced speed and strength

-Can turn humans into wax dolls

-Shapeshifting (technically. He can alter his appearance, but that gets stripped away when he's too mad to concentrate on it.)



- A special music box hidden inside his chest. If the music box ever breaks or is destroyed then Jason will die.


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