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Real Name: Lucille-Tiffany Greatfeild

Age: 14

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Height: 5'4

Weapons: Fog, Knife

Biological Family: Mother, deceased; Father.


Proxy Relations:

Lazari- Thinks of her as a little sister, very close friend.

EJ- Friend, someone she feels she can confide in without being ridiculed. She is correct in that assumption.

Jane- Close friend, respects her boundaries wholeheartedly.



Lulu is a sweet girl, rather shy, and has serious trust issues. She finds happiness in books (she either reads in braille or has someone read to her. Usually the former) and hanging out with friends.



Lulu wears an old, tattered blue school uniform and has her hair tied into twin pigtails. Her bangs cover half of her face. She doesn't have eyes, all she has are empty eye sockets that drip blood. She also appears to have various scars and bruises on her body, most notably her wrists, arms and a closed gash in her thigh. 



Lucy was born of a Vietnamese woman and a Caucasian male. She had a love for books just like her parents and spent most of her childhood listening to stories her mother would read to her. Eventually her mother had fallen ill from cancer and died leaving Lucy with her father. She was very depressed and spent most of her young age consumed in the fantasy world of her father's library. When she turned fourteen her father was worried about her distant attitude and her cold nature. In hopes of bringing light back to his daughter he decided in enrolling her in a private academy for girls so she could work on her social skills around other females.

Lucy didn't enjoy her time there at all. She had a more developed body than average girls her age in a time where developed bodies were the sight of ridicule. She did get some backlash from students there but she remained unfazed for the most part. Eventually the girl conducting the bully ring, named Julia, became obsessed with Lucy. The fact that Lucy wouldn't break no matter how many kids would hit her and make fun of her. Julia wanted nothing more than to see Lucy fall off her high horse.

The obsession soon grew ridiculously unhealthy and she wound up drugging Lucy. She figured the only way she hadn't tried breaking her was sexually so she had to give it a try. Despite Lucy trying her hardest to keep herself being taken advantage of by Julia was the last straw. She ran from the school to the nearby woods. There she met a man who promised to make it all stop. To give her the vision she desired to understand. In her weak state she accepted the offer just so it all would stop. Unfortunately as the fog consumed her, her eyes were taken and replaced with an undying urge to remove the vision of others.

Lucy's escape only trapped her in a never ending loop of her own torment and trying to recapture her own eyes. She eventually managed to find Eyeless Jack and tried to steal his eyes. As you can imagine, that went absolutely spectacularly and EJ ended up taking her to the Slendermansion where she currently resides.




-Charisma (to a degree)

-Unable to age (But able to be killed)

-Manipulating fog in various ways

-Enhanced speed and strength



-Terrified of being touched intimately by a woman

-Not very good at 'sight'

-Loud noises (they freak her out because she can't see where they're coming from)


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