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Real Name: Tim Wright

Age: 19

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Gay

Height: 6'0

Weapons: Gun

Biological Family: Unknown


Proxy Relations:

Ticci Toby: Boyfriend. Masky acts as Toby's common sense

Hoodie: Best friend.

Clockwork: Close friend. She's the only person he lets boss him around (she's scary when she wants to be)

X-Virus: Friend

Eyeless Jack: Friend, occasional colleague.

Dr. Smiley: Doctor/patient relationship, although Masky is in his office a lot less frequently than certain others (ahem, BEN).

The Bloody Angel: Friend, Masky helped teach her how to fly.



Masky is calm the vast majority of the time. He can come across as uncaring, but is actually really sweet to people he genuinely cares about. Willing to take a bullet for a friend any day of the week. Can become overwhelmed at times and often burns himself out. His friends aren't too thrilled when this happens.



Masky is a tall boy with dark hair and pale skin. He wears a yellow, zipped up raincoat over a black t-shirt, black jeans, and sneakers. His face is completely obscured by a white emotionless mask. The eyes, lips and nostrils of the mask are all painted black. Black gloves.



Can be seen in detail on the web series 'Marble Hornets'. 



-Enhanced speed and strength


-Common Sense




-Cheesecake (used to like it, fanart ruined it for him.)



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