Chapter 76

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————————Spruce's POV————————

Being in Delua's mind is intoxicating, I know exactly when he becomes aware of certain things. Like right now, he just noticed my mini-me wants to be included. He turns a shade red but doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, just... unfamiliar..? I smirk as we part then pick him up and use my speed to get to his motel room.

Delua seems to know what direction this is going and his mind shows that he's worried about how we will go about his still female body. I stroke his head which seems to relax him a bit but he's gotten really tense.

I bow my head closer to his ear and gently nibble it then whisper huskily in it, "I will only go as far as you're comfortable. If you want to go all the way, then we can. If you want to take it as we go, that's okay too." I nibble his ear again, causing a shiver to run through his body, "I will take you any way you want me to..."

Delua buries his face in my chest and I can tell that this is probably the only relationship he's had with a guy or anyone else for that matter. Enjoying the reactions I can get from him I toss him onto my bed and jump on after him. I make quick work of our outermost layer of clothes. He gasps at my speed then I catch a glimpse of a thought.

It's obvious he's a bit too shy to say anything so I pull the thought back to the front of his mind making him try to hide from embarrassment. Smirking I flip him then get him on his knees. Before I slip off the last layer I kiss his shoulder which he stretches away from, giving me space. Testing to see if I interpreted his action right, I lick then scrape my teeth against the spot a mark would go.

In an almost inaudible whisper he says, "sure"

Kissing the spot again I bite down sealing the deal. After a few seconds, I pull down the last layer between us and gently push into him.

—————————Ivy's POV—————————

What the heck is Reiya doi— Oh. OH! Damn! I guessed right yesterday! I just know I'm right. Sasha looks at me, obviously shocked by me sharing my thoughts with her, since I rarely lower the barrier that was formed by our mating.

"You don't think she act—"

I cut her off, "—She 100% did. I bet you, that I'm right! It's like the only reason she's still not here, nothing could occupy her mind other than being newly mated... Do you think she'll get... y'know... again?"

Sasha shrugs, "I have no idea... Would they use protection? And it also depends on how often Mefwa's can reproduce..."

Both of us stare at each other with a 'oh shit' look. Then I pull out my phone and type a message to Reiya.

(Text Conversation)

"You did it didn't you! Spill the beans!! And don't spare the deets..."

(Text Conversation Over)

Wow! Ignored! Damn...

"She. Just ignored. Me.." Sasha looks concerned.

"Wow... Wait... what if she's hurt? What if she was on her way home and got snatched?!"

The both of us start panicking and I end up calling Daisy to watch the babies. She's over in a few minutes then Sasha and I are out the door. We sprint to the Coven house and find no proof of Reiya which only fuels our worry.

I literally bust open the doors and Sasha has a look of extreme focus on. We march through the house and enter the kitchen last on our sweep of the first floor.

Imagine our surprise when we burst through the doors of the kitchen and see Oak jump away from Reiya, who's chowing down on ice cream and raw fish happily.

With her mouth still partially full she sees us, "Oh! Wha chu doin ere?"

Both me and Sasha stare open mouthed at Reiya. Reiya looks at us for a minute confused by our reactions but then it dawns on her... a look of embarrassment crawls up her face as she guiltily shoves the rest of her food in her mouth.

"Reiya..." I speak with a warning tone, "why, didn't you respond to my text!?"

"We thought you were snatched up by some random mastermind!" Sasha looks like she's about to explode with conflicting feelings, first anger, then relief, back and forth unable to choose one.

Reiya forces herself to swallow everything in her mouth, "I-I'm sorry... I didn't— know you messaged... my, my notifications a-are off a-nd I di-dn't mean to— to worry you..!"

Reiya looks completely distraught and tears are forming in her eyes. I rush over and try to comfort her, muttering a bunch of 'I'm sorry's and 'I didn't mean to be rude's.

Suddenly Reiya starts laughing her ass off, "Oh- hohohoho! Wow! You're easy to fool! Jeez, I'm not crying. I'm just fine, I actually didn't mean to worry you two..."

I wipe my worried tears and storm off, she was pretending?!? Ugh... I think I'm sleep deprived... Shaking my head I rush home and throw myself into my bed to be grabbed by sleep.

————————Sasha's POV————————

I watch as Ivy storms off and shrug apologetically then race after her.


She must not hear me because she keeps sprinting. I can't catch up until she's already drifting off to sleep.

"Thanks for coming over to watch Lyath and Mia on such short notice Daisy... Here, take this as an appreciative token." Daisy looks at me shocked but nods anyway.

"O-okay... if you're sure..." I nod to let her know I'm sure and then she turns around slowly and leaves hesitantly.

I sigh then go back to Ivy. Deciding that she probably needs a lot of sleep if she drifted off so easily... She rolls around a bit then I take her shoes as well as socks off and pull the blanket over her.

My Hybrid TroublesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora