Chapter 99

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—————————Ivy's POV—————————

I crack open the door to the ballroom where Sasha's waiting for me. I can barely believe I'm here. I take a deep breath then nod to the Clan members waiting to open the doors fully for me.

As the doors open, I see everyone turn towards me, smile, gasp and excitedly clapping. The Wedding March (song that plays while the bride walks the aisle) begins and my little sisters skip down the aisle spreading petals. Next goes Lyath (who is being pulled on a wagon by Daisy) with the rings and finally me.

I feel like I'm gliding as I walk towards the alter, all of my nerves disappear and all I can think about is how happy I am. When The Wedding March comes to an end my cheeks are hurting from how much I've been smiling and my father walks off to his position.

The main part of the ceremony flies past and we both recite our vows then the priest says, "I stand here in holy matrimony to bring these two young women together in marriage. The time has come where I must ask do you, Sasha Emerald take Ivy Martin to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"And do you, Ivy Martin take Sasha Emerald as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

"With the power residing in me, I now pronounce you Wife and Wife, you may kiss."

Sasha cups my cheek in her hand and gently pulls my lips to hers and everybody cheers, whistles and claps.

We part but intertwine our hands and lead everyone to the dining and dancing area.

The next few hours wiz past and as the day winds down Mika and Silas arrive.

"We're so glad you were able to make it! How do you feel?" I ask Mika

"I feel fine, Lucy was born without any issues so all's well in my books..." Mika then hands Lucy to Reiya who side hugs Mika before letting Mika step back.

"You know that you could just have me watch her until you get out of that fucking clan house..." Reiya gives Mika a sympathetic look.

"I know, but it's better this way... I'm younger than you, how do you expect that I'll care for her as well as someone else could? I love her despite her father and I want what's best for her."

Reiya nods and gives Mika another side hug before making Lucy wave goodbye and 'blow a kiss' to Mika. A few tears fall from her eyes but she has a determined smile on her face.

Without being prompted, Silas pulls her closer waves us goodbye and hops back in his car to bring her to the pack house I assume. Me and Sasha wave as the car drives out of the driveway and down the street.

————————Daisy's POV————————

Liam tells me that he'll be right back, he's just going to grab some of the baked goods and snacks for us. I've found us a nice little table not too far from the food and not to far from where everyone was dancing. Since the celebration has steadily become calmer as people left, we have almost the whole room to ourselves.

The only people left here other than the Vamps that staffed it, are Reiya, Oak, Ivy, Sasha, Darrel (Ivy's dad), Ivy's little sisters (who are falling asleep at one of the tables), Lyath, Mia, Liam and myself. I wonder if Mika popped in at any point... After all I did offer to take care of her baby once it was born.

~Someone taps shoulder~

I turn around completely and am surprised that it's not Liam trying to sneak up and scare me, It's Reiya. And she's carrying blankets..?

*blankets makes noise*

Wait... Those aren't blankets and I'm completely crazy for thinking they were! Reiya is holding a baby! I guess that it must be Mika's, I never saw Mika come in but I guess she must have.

"Daisy, meet your temporary baby, Lucy. Lucy meet your new caregiver, Daisy! Hehe!" Reiya gently passes Lucy to me.

"Hey little one, you're something special, y'know." I coo at Lucy.

I tap her little button nose and can't help laugh at the reaction she gave.

"Who's got you so cheery?" Liam dramatically asks as he pits down multiple plates of food. "And who's this little one?"

"This, is Lucy! The baby that Mika wants hidden from her... almost..? Ex-husband..?" I beam

"O-oh... I forgot you volunteered to take care of the baby..." under his breath he adds slightly pouting, "Now who's gonna take care of me and my needs?"

I playfully shove him, "You're a big boy, you can take care of yourself and your own needs."

Reiya manages to remain quiet and while holding in a laugh she backs away from us. I let her and instead focus on the amount of food Liam brought.

"Jeez! You're a vampire! You don't actually need to eat solid food! What is," I motion to the plates, "all this for? Cus I sure as hell know you wouldn't be able to stomach it all."

"It's to share, Take a breath Daisy. You don't need to get all offensive just because you're taking care of a hidden baby."

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