Chapter 45

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I finally get out of the house, Ivy and Sasha kept fussing about how I might be cold or too warm or tired, etc. I did what any logical person would do, back away slowly to avoid confrontation. Walking towards the forest I exhale deeply, happy to be away from all the noise... don't get me wrong, I love Mia and Lyath but fuck, they have lungs of steel! How are two newborns so loud?!

I stick to a steady walking pace and don't walk too far but chance upon Oak looking intensely at a small book of some sort. I almost go over to him but decide against it because I don't want to disturb him, he probably has a lot of stuff to do today... I observe for a little longer before walking off, back towards the house.

Standing just at the edge of the forest I can hear Mia crying, as well as Lyath and know that my peace and quiet are now over. I smile and shake my head a little as I walk to the front door. Slowly opening it I'm greeted by Sasha holding Mia looking stressed and Ivy struggling with calming Lyath.

"Alright, I'm back. Pass 'em here" Sasha exhales while handing over Mia and Ivy give me the 'are you sure' look. I nod at Ivy and she gives me Lyath before slumping onto the couch.

I smile down at the two, now quiet, newborns and let a soft laugh escape which makes them smile. They both are so dramatic but for now it makes them way cuter, I love my little sass queen and can't help but love Lyath's sass too.

Soon Lyath drifts off to sleep and I gently hand him back to Ivy who looks extremely grateful then take a seat across the room since Sasha already took the spot beside her. Mia is also resting which means that we have a small portion of time to enjoy the silence. Ivy leans on Sasha's shoulder and I sink into the chair I'm in, getting comfortable.

Not much longer than 5 minutes later Ivy and Sasha have fallen asleep so I obviously take a picture! Then I carefully drew moustaches on them with washable marker and took another picture before I retake my seat (only after hiding all the markers and pens) to get a short nap.

I don't sleep too long before Mia starts wiggling about to cry because she's hungry. I feed her , burp her and rock her back to sleep. I decide that I no longer have any desire to sleep on a chair and walk to my room. Yawning I place Mia in her bassinet then cuddle into my comfy bed.

————————Ivy's POV————————

I yawn as I slowly get up off of Sasha and notice there's a marker moustache on her face! I look across the room to find Reiya's chair empty, a bunch of markers and pens in her place. Quirking an eyebrow I walk to the bathroom and find exactly what I expected, a marker moustache of my own! I laugh a little despite myself then go to the chair, choosing my weapon. Easily deciding on using pinks and purples to match Reiya's hair I grab the markers and tip toe to Reiya's room. I work fast, putting pink down first then using the other shades I build up a gradient finishing (of course) with purple. I take a step back to admire my work then scurry out, putting the markers back. I then gently pick Lyath up off of Sasha and head to the kitchen.

I take a seat, quietly wake Lyath up knowing that he would be up soon anyway and feed him. I also decide to check his diaper too and end up changing it. Surprisingly, Lyath doesn't begin to scream! Usually he will. He has three distinct cries, one for when he's hungry, one for when he needs to be changed and then there's his last cry... the loudest of all three, the one reserved solely for me. Yup... my own son cries almost anytime I am carrying him! Sometimes I can be lucky, like right now, but most times I'm not.

I head outside and find a flat spot on the ground, just wanting to connect with nature and let my worries wash away. Randomly, a wind picks up and does not seem like it's coming from anywhere! I look down at Lyath to check if he seems chilled by the wind but he doesn't..? In fact it seems that he's enjoying it? My confused expression rapidly morphs into one of excitement as I realize this must mean he is a wind-aligned warlock!

This is interesting because my father is water-aligned, my mother was fire-aligned and I am earth-aligned! Meaning that my family now has at least one member who is most proficient in each element... If, and this is a big if, the theories and legends are true, the next generation of my family will be extremely powerful. It's really crazy to think about the possibility of having an extremely powerful family member as a grand child... that would be kinda nuts!

———————Sasha's POV———————

I wake up first noticing the pile of markers and pens on the chair Reiya had been in earlier, then noticing that neither Ivy or Reiya are in the room! I don't trust those markers so I walk into the bathroom and find a moustache drawn onto my face. I shake my head but then grin semi-wickedly, I grab a few colours that contrast with Reiya's hair then sneak into her room. I see there is already a moustache drawn onto her face so I go for the next best thing... a unibrow! I make the colours as saturated as I can then return the markers to where they were.

I had smelled Ivy's scent near the front door so I go outside to check on her. I find her easily, not because of her scent, our bond or any of the typical ways I normally would. Instead I find her because I am suddenly lifted into the air and brought to her! She wears a very shocked look and I'm pretty sure mine mirrors hers.

"What the heck just happened?!" I'm obviously confused and although I doubt she really has a full explanation, she probably has more of an idea than I do.

"I'm not completely sure..? I think that Lyath did that... I'm almost positive that he is a wind-aligned warlock..." I look at her stunned then down at our little Lyath (who is smiling wide and laughing by the way).

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