Chapter 47

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———————Reiya's POV———————

I blink blankly as Oak becomes blocked from view from the trees. What the heck was that!? He started off seeming super shy but then turned it into confidence within milliseconds..? I don't know what to think about him... I believe he's a good person but there's many people who are deceitful... I don't want to be tricked and lied to again, it's happened too often.

I slowly get onto the ground and sit beside Ivy and Lyath, Mia squirming like usual. Sasha lets out a breath then joins us on the grass.

(7 minutes pass)

We sat for a while but Ivy says she needs a nap and is heading inside now. I slowly get to my feet and begin to follow behind Sasha when something white catches my eye.

"I will come inside in a lil, just need to stretch a bit." Sasha nods and continues into the house and I go to find out what I saw. I easily find it and carefully pick it up, making sure Mia won't fall. As I hold it I know that it's a folded piece of paper. Curiosity getting the best of me, I unfold the page and see one of the most beautiful drawings ever! It's a mesmerizing forest background with a young lady in the centre of it. The young lady is wearing a flowing top and some knee length pants. I begin taking in the finer details and start to notice a strangely familiar figure. I tilt my head confused.

Then, it hits me... the figure is me?! Why would anyone want to make me as a sketch or drawing? Almost every detail is correct. I scan the edges of the page then more around the image trying to find a signature. It takes a while but I finally locate it just below the figure, in really small writing. I can barely make out what the heck it says! I only am able to recognize the first letter, which is an 'O'.

Immediately I think about Oak.  Could this be what he was working on yesterday? If it is, how did it end up here? Why did it end up here? What brought it? Does Oak know that it's here? I re-fold the paper and gently put it in my pocket, I'll return this the next time I see him.

————————Oak's POV————————

I am once again in my office struggling to find important work to do seeing as I have sent off a copy of the paperwork I had done yesterday to the Council.

(30 minutes pass)

My office is so clean that I can see every little detail of everything, without my sharpened senses. I don't know what else to do! How did my father stay in here all day?! I can't. I need to be doing something.

I search my pockets for my sketch and can't find it anywhere... I know I kept it on me! Ugh, I must have dropped it somewhere. Hopefully it just gets looked at as a random drawing and she doesn't see it... If she saw it she'd definitely know how much of an effect she has on me.

I really hope she doesn't see it... but I guess it'd be worse if a Coven member saw it. They would take it as a weakness. As much as I wish I could express myself more, but most of the Coven have a older view on art. Man I'm going to have a lot of work to do...

Sitting down I pull out my sketchbook and once again let myself get absorbed into it, not holding any ideas for the end product. Once I look at my sketch with a more critical eye, features that are still very fresh in my mind reveal themselves. I sigh but decide to put together the full outline anyway. Although it seems that I have once again sketched Reiya, I smile proud of my base and take a progress picture. Carefully I select the colours and softly start laying down the pigments.

With the first layer down I nod happy with my choice of colours. Once this piece is done, I'm going to put it somewhere that Reiya will find it. I feel like pretending to be a secret 'admirer', Reiya seems like the type of person who would like the thought of one.

————————Reiya's POV————————

(The next day)

I tell Ivy and Sasha that I'm going out for a walk with Mia. Sasha gives me a warning look but then sees that Mia has gained strength and can now hold her head up completely by herself. I also showed Sasha the matching sweaters that have ear and tail holes. After seeing the sweaters Sasha let me leave and I wave then smile while closing the door.

Once outside I begin my trek. Luckily my goal isn't very far away, even with human speed. Only a few minutes pass before there's a mansion growing on the horizon and I remember that this is the place. I check my pocket for the sketch and continue my journey. A few minutes more pass and I'm almost standing on the front porch. I take a deep breath and raise my hand to knock.

Before I actually knock on the door, it swings open and Mr. Ryder stands looming in the frame. I clear my throat "H-Hello Mr. Ryder, I am here to speak with the Lord..?"

"Oh, of course... Just wait one moment." He sounds very bored with me and walks away quite slowly. I take a cautious seat on one of the benches by the front door and scan my surroundings. It's not very long before a trio of guards walk towards me. I feel Mia start squirming as they draw closer.

"Hello" I nod my head politely.

One guard grunts at me and the three of them grab at me! Two take a side and the third takes Mia from my arms! I don't hesitate and lengthen my claws. With one swipe a guard stumbles backwards clutching his right shoulder where his arm used to be.

"Oops!" I giggle

The other two just stare at me with shock. The man that took Mia hastily hands her back, then turns tail and bolts hoping to save all his limbs. I just snicker and easily break away from the last guy. I don't even give a backwards glance as I slash a gaping wound in his face. Re-focusing on the man that ran I quickly steal a jacket and make a little baby "backpack" and put it on in front. With Mia secure I dart down the hallway and latch my claws into his back as soon as I get close enough. I snicker and shove him to the ground then take a bit of mercy on him by beheading him. Messy? Yes. Merciful? Definitely.

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