Chapter 55

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—————————Oak's POV—————————

(Mind link Conversation)

"Oak— I mean Sir, I have something that needs your attention immediately. Are you able to come to the meeting room now..?"

"Liam I've told you before, you don't have to use formalities... We've been friends since before we knew what they were! Anyway, what exactly is it that needs my attention..? Why is it urgent?"

"Just trust me when I say that you need to hear this in person..."

"Is everything okay dude?"

"Th-that's dependant on what you consider to be okay..."

(Mind Link Conversation Over)

I pull my scrambling thoughts as close to my central mind and look over at Reiya. She's sitting on my bed with her back against the headboard with a comfortable pillow in the small of her back. I don't want to worry her so, I keep on the mask of emotionlessness I had to build while growing up as a Lord-To-Be, as I get up and off my bed. Reiya re-tunes into the present as I head for the door. Shooting her a look that says to stay put I reach for the door knob. She playfully rolls her eyes but all I can manage in response is a tiny, forced, smile. As I turn around exiting my room and pull the door closed I see Reiya's questioning but worried look surface.

I'm walking with slow (for vampires) and deliberate steps. I don't know what I'm about to face and I don't know if I really want to... Drawing near the meeting room a gloomy feeling builds with every step, only fuelling anxiety. I force down a breath and extend my hands towards the knobs of the double doors. Milliseconds before I grasp them the knobs turn and the doors open, revealing a very dimly lit room as well as Liam pulling the doors open slowly.

A knot makes itself known in my gut as it tightens and my breathing begins to shake. I stride into the room and Liam closes the doors. With the rest of the house closed off and my closest friend nearby I swallow the lump in my throat as I look to the farthest corner to the left. The knot grows bigger than I've ever felt before when my gaze lands on my mother's favourite seat covered by an opaque white sheet. Disbelief and unreasonable hope fight within me as I walk towards the chair. My disbelief overpowers my irrational hope as the smell that had comforted me my whole life becomes noticeably more dense with something I wished wouldn't resurface anytime soon.

Tears gather along my eyelids, threatening to spill over and I let my posture melt. I'm sagging and kneeling directly in front of my mother's favourite chair. Now that I'm so close I know for certain that the sheet isn't the only thing on the chair. My lip quivers and throat restricts as I pull the cloth off, revealing the woman who died at the hand of her mate and husband.

My mother is dead... I'm never going to see her blonde hair or green eyes ever again. The once comforting scent that always followed her now feels like it's taunting me. My tears stream down my face and my breathing becomes choppy as inaudible sobs rake my body. She's gone just like that! Only mere hours ago I saw her. She wasn't exactly in the best looking shape with two fresh, bright red hand prints on her face. I shouldn't have listened and left. I should have stayed! She could have been here, alive, breathing and happy... but she's not...

Liam says something but I can't hear him, all I hear are my mother's final words she spoke to me. I had found a hidden room in my parents closet and inside was my mother... I knew she wasn't okay but I still believed her when she said "I-I will be... G-o... B-before h-he gets back..!"

All she cared for was my safety... she was even trying to convince herself that she'd be okay, but she wasn't... What world is this?! Why was my overly-caring mother torn from this world? All she did was put everyone else's worries first. I'm starting to believe she could somewhat predict what was going happen in the immediate future. My mother was about to step in when Ivy was about to be bombarded by my 'father's' aura but she closed her eyes and smiled just barely. Her smile had grown tenfold when Sasha and Reiya made their presence known.

This has to be some cruel test my 'father' created to test me, right..? Oh who am I kidding... she's gone. Never going to see me welcome in the next generation or watch me stand by an altar waiting for someone wonderful to arrive, never going to see any grandkids or even help coach the next Lady on the true duties they would be responsible for. Perhaps the worst part is that she will never get to experience the changes I'm going to make that would have made her smile be truer than ever and shine brighter than ever before. Because of him, my mother has been ripped from a world she tried so hard to mend and torn away from her only child.

I guess that only time will show me what the Blood God plans for me. The truth the Blood God wishes to reveal, the faith he has in everyone.

I'm acutely aware of Liam re-entering the room but I don't look up. Even if I did I wouldn't see anything clearly anyway, my vision is completely blurred by my tears and my eyes are almost certainly puffy now. Sniffling I get up shakily and almost immediately tumble down again. I don't try to brace myself and I don't try to catch myself either so, when I don't fall I am certainly shocked.

I blink rapidly trying to clear my vision enough to figure out why I hadn't fallen on my face. Then I feel dumb, somebody caught me, duh! But I don't feel anyone holding me up..? I slowly turn around and there she is, the brightest star in my life, Reiya.

My voice is barely audible and is very shaky since I'm still crying a bit, "A-t least she's— she's safer and can truly be... happy once again."

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